Chapter 2

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"It will be good for the two kingdoms, we've explained this before Jisung, now go and get ready." Jisung rolled his eyes as he listened to his mother go on and on about the importance of the Truce between Hielm and Islac.

"This is ridiculous, is Riku happy about this?" Jisung pulled himself off the sofa he was slouched down on, much to his parent's disapproval. Which made no sense, they were in the family wing. He didn't need to act properly when it was just his family and his personal staff.

"We've spoken to Riku, and she's accepted, now go and get dressed and presentable, the Lee family will be arriving within the next couple of hours," Ari spoke to her son as she moved away from the table.

Jisung let out a huff and let himself slide off the sofa before standing up straight.
"I'll be sure to be on my best behaviour," Jisung said sarcastically as he headed towards his room.

As soon as he had stepped foot inside his chamber, he was practically attacked by his day staff who ushered him over to have a bath before making sure he was wearing what seemed to be the fanciest clothes they could find.

"Really Maria? There's nothing else I can wear? I look like an idiot." Jisung sighed as the purple jacket was pulled up onto his shoulders.

"You and I both know if I let you walk out of the family wing in anything less than I would be sent to the dungeons and you'd be... well, let's not even think about getting on Her Highness' wrong side." Maria joked lightly as she dusted Jisung's face with some light makeup.

"Besides the purple looks good on you Jisung. Be lucky that's the family colour rather than a colour like yellow." Maria gave a pointed look at the prince before giving him the once over to check to make sure he looked like the royalty he was.

"I don't get why I must go and greet the family when I'm not the one getting married, Jisung fiddled with his leather bracelet which was slightly worn away with his constant picking at it, as he let Maria adjust the collar on his white shirt.

"Jisung you're nineteen, almost twenty, surely you should know by now that it's just etiquette to greet the guests staying at your castle." Maria let out a laugh as he watched Jisung pull a face.

"Thanks for reminding me that in a few days, I'll be getting shoved into more royal activities which I used to be able to get out of."

Maria patted Jisung's face lightly before collecting the clothes Jisung had been previously wearing. "Well, I hope you enjoy the last few days of a lie-in, or as you'd rather call it, a 'sleep all your problems away' because starting from Monday, you'll be getting up nice and early each day without fail."

"Gosh, you're no fun Maria, I thought I could trust you", Jisung pouted as he checked his hair in the mirror just to the side of the changing area, he had been standing in.

"Have fun Sire!" Jisung heard Maria let out a laugh knowing how much he hated being referred to as that.

Glancing towards the clock that hung just above the fireplace beside him, Jisung saw that he had about twenty minutes before he really had to start heading towards the front of the castle to greet the Lee family. The perfect amount of time to bug his sister and ask why she accepted the marriage.

Heading out of his room and taking a quick left, counting a couple of doors down Jisung didn't even knock before barging in. He knew Riku would already be up and dressed for the meeting, she was by far more responsible.

"Why?" Jisung headed straight for the bed to collapse on it, of course already made, most likely by Riku's staff, Jisung's was only ever made in the afternoon as he always attempted to have a mid-morning snooze if he ended up being awake early.

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