Chapter 7

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"Wake up Sire, you are now twenty! No more lie-ins for you!" Maria sang as she pulled the covers off the Prince who was grumbling about being woken up so early.

"What is that?! Why do you have a kitten?" Maria let out a small gasp as she saw a small brownish kitten curled up beside the prince.

"Go away." Jisung whined as he tried to pull the covers back, he patted around with his eyes still squeezed shut, only peaking them open when he couldn't find them. Spotting Maria holding it all bundled up with a small smirk on her face.

"Maria, I thought I could trust you not to wake me." Jisung sat up, letting the kitten crawl over his lap and paw at his shirt.

"I would Sire, but it may surprise you that it's close to ten, it's not eight, and considering it's your birthday I think a lot of people are waiting in the dining hall for you to come out of your cocoon and say hello to them." Maria began to pull out some clothes for Jisung to wear.

Jisung huffed and slowly began to slide himself off the bed.

"Maria take the day off, it's my birthday you don't need to be working this morning. You're helping at the party tonight aren't you?" Jisung took the clothes Maria was sorting through out of her hands.

"B-but Jisung I-" Maria began.

"Nope, go and take a break, I'm twenty now, and I think I know how to dress myself." Jisung joked which got a smile out of his staff.

"Go outside, visit the village. Spend your morning relaxing, don't feel like you have to work today when you'll be swept off your feet with duties later tonight when you shouldn't be working anyway." Jisung explained to the women.

"Fine, but if I come back tomorrow morning to you hungover and unable to get up. I'll never take another day off." Maria gave a pointed look at the prince who shrugged.

"I won't make any promises." Jisung held his hands up in surrender.

"Do you know if Minho is free this morning?" Jisung asked Seungmin who had wandered into the prince's room at that moment to make sure the prince was actually getting up.

"He has meetings with Riku and the King and Queen of Islac. I doubt he'll be free until the party. Besides, you still have duties to attend to, regardless of if it's your birthday or not." Seungmin explained as he watched Jisung's fiddle with his bracelet, before making sure his necklace was sat neatly on his neck.

- - - - - - - –

A hard whack to his wrist made Jisung wince in pain slightly.
"Ow!" Jisung glared at Felix who was glaring back at the prince.

"Stop eating the food! It's supposed to be for your guests and you to enjoy tonight, not now."

Jisung rubbed his wrist lightly, his bracelet feeling slightly hot to the touch, maybe he really should stay away from the oven. He didn't need to set himself on fire before his celebrations. Not that he would mind. He hated the fuss, hated the crowds and hated the attention even more.

"Don't you have things to do? I mean I appreciate the company Sung, but I thought you were suppose to have meetings?" Felix asked, brushing off some flour from his face which he had accidentally gotten on him as he was measuring out the batter for Jisung's cake.

"Meeting, shmeetings." Jisung shrugged. "I don't get told what any of them are about, so I am never prepared, it seems so pointless of me sitting in them when I don't have any idea what I'm going to expect. Not to mention whenever I voice my opinions I feel like I'll be shot my personal council." Jisung collapsed onto a chair that was nearby.

A Royal Flush| Minsung | completed ✔️Where stories live. Discover now