Chapter 6

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"Come on let's go" Minho dragged Jisung by the arm out of the family wing.

The Prince barely had a chance to get dressed that morning before Minho barged into his room claiming that the boy had to show him around the town. It was a Saturday and so there was always the crowds and rush of the morning market.

"I'm barely awake, I haven't even eaten yet." Jisung whined lightly as he tried to adjust his jacket so it sat more comfortably on his shoulders. Somehow Maria knew that Jisung was going to be dragged out of his bed on the weekend and had already prepared a selection of clothes in preparation of Jisung having to blend in slightly with the common folk. Jisung loved this, it meant he didn't have to wear any restricted clothes, no tight jackets all blinged out with endless gems, no crown –thank goodness– and his parents weren't allowed to stop him.

"We can find something to eat at the market, i'm sure you know all the good spots." Minho turned to smile at the younger prince as he slowed down slightly so Jisung wasn't getting dragged as much now.
It was at this time Jisung could fully take in what Minho was wearing. He was wearing some distressed jeans which had a few rips down the legs, and on the knee caps. He was dressed in a white shirt with a cream and blue coloured cardigan on top. Jisung almost instinctively stretched his arm out to feel if it was as soft as it looked but stopped himself.

"Han Jisung you better not be leaving this castle without any guards." Seungmin stepped into the hallway, apparently appearing from thin air, making the pair jump and stop in their tracks.

Seungmin crossed his arms giving Jisung a pointed look.

"Minho Hyung is with me!" Jisung pointed towards the boy who still had a hand wrapped around the boy's wrist.

"Oh? So he can protect the both of you if you get ambushed? Spotted? Recognised?" Seungmin glanced between the two.


"Of course I can. I help train the guards back in Islac, and if you can't see a sword on me thats good, because I have a dagger hidden on my waist." Minho tugged Jisung closer just slightly almost protecting him from his own advisor.

"You're going to risk your life to protect another prince?" Seungmin stepped forward, arms stilll crossed over his chest staring at Minho trying to see any hidden lies behind his eyes.

"Yes." Minho stated, "Let's go Sungie, you said you were hungry and so am I. '' Minho began pulling Jisung once more making sure to bump shoulders with the younger prince's advisor.

Jisung twisted his head round and saw how Seungmin was shaking his head in disapproval as he got dragged away and soon out of the castle entrance.

The market was packed. Jisung instinctively stepped closer to Minho as the pair walked through the crowds as they glanced at the different vendors. It was a cooler day than usual and so Jisung luckily wasn't sweating in the heat that usually likes to stay throughout September.
The start of the long trail of stalls were always the ones overlooked, Jisung loved these the best. Whenever he did have the chance to sneak to the markets he would always try his best to buy something from them. Stopping in his tracks Jisung stepped up to a stall which was full of different pieces of jewellery. In his eyes they were much more beautiful than any of the royal ones he had to wear on the daily. Each necklace and bracelet was handmade, the vendor often making them whilst they waited for onlooking customers to pick something to buy.

"These are all so beautiful." Jisung commented to the old lady who sat behind, melding and bending some metal to create a small cage to hold a crystal.

"Thank you dear, do you see anything that catches your eye? Don't think too much about it, the power of crystals is for you to be drawn to them without overthinking."

A Royal Flush| Minsung | completed ✔️Where stories live. Discover now