Chapter 5

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"This all looks wonderful" Somi clasped her hands together to take in the meal that was in front of them.
Across the long dining table were a wide variety of different side dishes, ranging from kimchi, pickled radish, beansprouts and other veggies. The main meal was two pots of jjigae. Dakgaejang was the largest of the two soups. Apparently requested by Riku.

Jisung was sat at the end of the table, opposite Minho who was sitting next to the younger's sister. The Hielm royalty sat at the head of the table, and then on either side sat the Islac rulers. Jisung impatiently waited for all the food to be set out, and for drinks to be poured before he started. Usually, he wouldn't be wasting any time before he dived right into the seolleongtang which was taunting him from where the steam was floating right up to his nose.

"We must thank the kitchen staff for their hard work, usually we don't have this many side dishes to choose from!" Chanim exclaimed as he turned to his right to see one of the chefs Felix, standing by waiting for any instructions.

Felix gave a small bow and retreated down the corridor back towards the kitchen.

"Let's begin shall we?" Ari smiled around at the guests before picking up her chopsticks and spoon to scoop up some of the jjigae.

Immediately Jisung grabbed his chopsticks and got tucked in. He picked out a few big chunks of beef and poured some of the soup into his own small bowl.
Everyone else followed at a much calmer pace.

"Riku you must be excited about the wedding?" Damien started up a conversation with the princess as he grabbed a couple of slices of kimchi.

"Ah, yes, well I've been in contact with Minho Oppa for a while now so it's worth the wait." Riku nodded politely.

"You must be pretty impatient, it's been what — three years?" Somi added as she looked down the table to also join in the conversation.

Jisung glanced between Minho and Riku. Three years? They've been planning this for three years?! Putting down his spoon Jisung felt slightly nauseous. Was he the only one that didn't know about any of this?

Minho glanced at Jisung who looked slightly in shock about the comment. Tapping Riku on the leg to get her attention the girl whipped her head around.
"Did you not tell Jisung-ie?" Minho whispered.

Riku frowned, "My parents said they'd mention it to him when he was ready. He knows about it why?"
Minho motioned over to Jisung who was now picking at his beef, taking the smallest bites of the meat that would fall into his chopsticks as he plucked at the tender meat.

"Maybe they didn't tell him about how long it had been in the making for." Riku shrugged lightly not too sure what made Jisung's expression dull.

Riku turned back to her parents and the other royals, to continue to talk about the wedding plans. So far they had decided on the theme of purple and dark green to fit with the colours of each country.

"You aren't looking very puffy today? What happened chipmunk?" Minho's voice carried over to the other side of the table making Jisung glance up from stirring his bowl of soup.

Frowing at the comment Jisung stuck out his tongue, "I'm not a chipmunk."

"Maybe not yet, but as soon as you put -" Minho grabbed his chopsticks and picked out a piece of beef from the pot pointing it towards Jisung, "- this in your mouth, you will."

Jisung rolled his eyes and leaned forward and grabbed the beef between his teeth leaning back so he could chew on the beef. Minho immediately grinned.
"Welcome back Quokka" Minho chuckled as Jisung flushed slightly and hid his cheeks with his hand.

"At least let me give you a nickname as well," Jisung said after he swallowed his food. Minho arched an eyebrow as he watched Jisung grab some radish on his own chopsticks and hold them out to Minho.

"I don't like radish." Minho shrugged as he went to take a sip of his water.

"Liar, I saw you put some on your plate years ago when we were at a ball for some princess in Jion," Jisung smirked catching Minho out.
"How the — that was like ten years ago. How do you even remember that?" Minho was more shocked than anything and reluctantly leaned forward and took the radish out of Jisung's chopsticks which were still hanging.

"I-I I just remember okay." Jisung quickly pulled his chopsticks back towards him.

"Or you just watched me the entire evening? Huh?" It was Minho's turn to smirk as he rocked back and forth slightly before leaning his back on the chair.

"No" Jisung rushed to say before clamming his mouth shut his his hand. Minho spotted his ears growing red.

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