Chapter 4

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"You're going to the meeting?" Maria questioned as she replayed Jisung's first words this morning as she came to lay out a set of clothes for the day.
"I'm going to the meeting this morning, make me look presentable please."

"Well- I kinda figured I may as well start today rather than on my actual birthday because otherwise I'll be mopping about getting dragged in every direction and I'll be too tired to enjoy the celebrations, this way I can at least prepare myself for what I have to expect," Jisung explained as he pulled up a pair of leather trousers.

"Oh, so it has nothing to do with the sudden appearance of the Islac royal family and their dashing prince?" Maria giggled as she watched Jisung try to hide the blush on his face.

"No, I hate Minho if that is who you're referring to, he doesn't even call me by my name, he knows my name, so why can't he just use it." Jisung huffed as he struggled to get his feet to stick out from the bottom of his pants.

"That's commonly known as flirting, Jisung." Maria gave a pointed look as she threw Jisung a red top to put on.

"Oh yeah sure, great joke Maria. Ha Ha." Jisung stuck out his tongue and pulled a face at the maid before pulling on his shirt.

"All I'm saying is the facts, but let's hurry up so you aren't late." Maria grabbed Jisung's bejewelled jacket, helped him slip it over his shoulders, and made sure it sat properly before passing over his crown.

"Time for the headaches to begin." Jisung sighed as he let Seungmin step forward and place some pins on his head so the crown could rest somewhat comfortably.

"Not my fault you never wore it before." Seungmin tutted as he made sure it was straight.

"Let's go" Seungmin motioned Jisung to follow him.

The prince said a quick thank you and goodbye to Maria who had begun making up his bed.

- - - -

"Firstly, it's great to see Jisung here. I'm sure you'll have some great insight into this meeting. We are currently discussing the improvements in the country since we've implemented a taxing system based on economy and income, rather than having everyone pay similarly like before." Chanim announced as he nodded to Jisung who gave a small bow to the other noblemen who were sat around him.
"Please can everyone also give a warm welcome to His Royal Highness, Minho from Islac. They are currently staying here for a week. Minho has asked to join in on the meetings so he can gain an understanding of how our country is being run, so he can take notes and report back to the Islac Council." Minho gave a small smile and bowed deeply at the new faces he saw surrounding him.
He was by far nervous to be sitting in on this meeting, he knew he had no power to speak or voice his opinions, but regardless, being allowed into these meetings was a privilege and so he couldn't let himself waste the opportunity.

"Now, let's begin. Timo I know you have been going to the more rural areas of Hielm this past week to gather information?" Chanim allowed the man to start presenting his research.
There was a momentary silence as Timo shuffled through his papers to find the data he was looking for. Usually, there were a few scribes around to help the meeting flow quickly, making sure all the data and information required was quickly accessible, but Riku was currently holding a meeting within the scribe's quarters.
"Right, yes sorry Your Majesty, I have a lot of information about our more rural areas of Hielm, most notably the southern fields, due to the harsh weather we've been having, most farmers have been struggling to produce any quality crops this year. Markets have been more limited to the downpours, so their income has been poor. They were all struggling to pay the correct taxes. Even with the new law implemented." Timo announced. He placed a large graph in the middle of the table indicating just that.
The southern fields were right on the border of Hielm and Islac, Minho knew that there had been some bad weather in the north, but he hadn't realised it was this bad. Most of the farmers in Islac had still managed to produce crops due to their large greenhouses.
"We can't control the weather though, how are we supposed to help them?" Janis a noblewoman who oversaw the royalty's public image spoke up.
"Precisely the problem, a few farmers were protesting about it." Timo sucked in a breath.
"Protesting? We hadn't been told about this. How bad did it become?" Chanim asked.
Minho was completely wrapped up in the meeting, making notes about the weather and protesting. He needed to make sure this news was taken back to Islac so they could go and investigate their own northern border. If this was happening in Hielm, it could be happening in Islac, and they would have no idea. As he scribbled down more information about the protests, he glanced over to Jisung beside him. The boy was also jotting down stuff, but from the speed of his hand movements, it had nothing to do with the meeting.
On the page, Minho could read just enough of Jisung's handwriting to decipher what was written:
Amidst trees adorned in golden hue,
Autumn whispers, a secret rendezvous.
Leaves of crimson, amber and gold,
A tapestry of stories centuries old
The air ....'
Jisung's hand was covering the rest, but Minho let a smile slip from his lips, he knew Jisung would hate these kinds of meetings. The Han children were both much more equipped to be creative and it was no doubt that Riku and Jisung loved writing just as equally.
As the meeting passed by, Minho made a few more notes about the kingdom and was quick to fold the paper up and pass it on to his Advisor so that it wouldn't get lost before he needed it.

A Royal Flush| Minsung | completed ✔️Where stories live. Discover now