Episode 12, Ringmaster Arc part 2: Two Lines Begin to Intersect

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Icarus's hooves clopped heavily on the ancient, rock-strewn path, while the distant calls of various birds echoed as Tiffin approached the Edgerest borderline

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Icarus's hooves clopped heavily on the ancient, rock-strewn path, while the distant calls of various birds echoed as Tiffin approached the Edgerest borderline. Fresh sunlight filtered through the leafy canopy above her, casting small spotlights on the ground that illuminated rocks and tree roots protruding from the compacted soil.

Tiffin had been traveling since she'd left Berkton's tavern. Her goal never wavered; she was more dedicated to her work as a bounty hunter than a wolf was to hunting. As a teen with no money and few skills, she entered the profession after leaving her father's farm. Her younger years had been filled with harsh judgments saying that a woman would never accomplish what men were supposed to do, which only spurred her to push herself harder. Not only had she mastered combat with a sword, but her quick thinking and resourcefulness had served her well, and she had adapted quickly to life on the road.

Meeting fellow travelers along the way allowed her not only to hone her skills but also to learn from their experiences and wisdom. Her journey was more than just physical; it was a constant battle within herself to remain true to her principles and ethics while handling the most ruthless outlaws.

As Icarus trampled over the fallen leaves, sending frogs and squirrels fleeing, Tiffin's arm instinctively moved up and tightened around the hilt of her sword. Her fingers danced over the leather straps, caressing them gently. She noticed this happening more frequently than before, initially attributing it to battle reflexes.

However, it grew more frequent, notably within the few days before arriving in Berkton. Her sword held immense sentimental value, as it was the last remnant of her now ruined family heritage. Forged by her great-great-grandfather, Athagus Grant, hundreds of years ago, the sword possessed powers that Tiffin herself had harnessed and refined. Oftentimes, the sword seemed to have a consciousness of its own, its power surging when danger drew near.

Lowering her arm, she tugged on Icarus's reins, bringing him to a halt. He snorted, seemingly irritated by the interruption to his steady stride, but she paid him no mind. Dismounting, her boots struck the well-trodden path, causing a miniature whirlwind of dust to rise around her feet. She scanned the vicinity but detected no signs of other Elves or any living beings, for that matter. Icarus's steadfast loyalty and dependability were marred by his noisy nature, which had succeeded in startling any nearby wildlife.

Tiffin rolled her eyes and patted the horse's muzzle before heading for the saddlebag attached behind the saddle. Delving into its interior, she gingerly retrieved the bounty poster she had received earlier from the bartender in Berkton.

It was still as wrinkled as when she claimed it, but she could still read it well enough. There were two pictures, a boy and a girl. Both had small curled back horns like a Demi-Demon, and both had the sharp fangs of a Demi-Demon, but they both seemed like the last beings in Token to ever commit a crime.

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