First Blood

54 3 14

Updates will be much slower now, I wrote all three parts at the same time.

I also think I forgot to mention that Sonic's age is not consistent for each story. (Like he's three in this one, but could be a baby again in a future story) I will specify his age every time at the beginning, good luck following along~ 😶💙❤

Sonic was three and only getting smarter, faster, and more adventurous. Alastor was finally going back into the populated areas of Hell for "work" after three years of silence, leaving Sonic home because he did not trust other demons with his life. Of course, he left his shadow behind to watch Sonic and make sure the hoglet didn't get into any trouble he couldn't deal with. "Wanna play 'dodge the gators' with me?" Sonic asked the shadow who shook it's head. "Oh come on...! Don't be a wuss~" Sonic watched the shadow pretend to die dramatically. "I'm not gonna die. Do you wanna play or not?" Sonic asked, unlocking the door. The shadow picked him up and twirled him around as a distraction. "AH!~ You can't stop my chaos, shadow man!~" Sonic shouted in between his laughter. With a lot of resistance, Sonic successfully made it outside and the shadow supervised him. "Ok... we're gonna play. But if you eat me, Alastor will be very mad. So remember, no killing me. Only bites, bruises, and scratches." Sonic explained, five massive alligators staring at him... Sonic was smaller than their heads alone, but he no longer feared them... so that meant he must play with them. "Ready? GO!~" Sonic said before jumping into the water. Staying where he could still touch the bottom without going under -because Alastor hadn't taught him to swim yet- Sonic scurried around in the water while the hell gators roared and snapped at him. The shadow in charge of him was unamused. "Haha!~ Too slow!~" Sonic teased, continuing to avoid the sharp teeth... and the alligators never tried to actually hurt him. Over the past year, once Sonic became comfortable around them, Sonic had begun feeding them and petting them. While still large and violent animals, the alligators now adored the boy. Even more than they liked Alastor. "....hey.....!" Sonic and the gators paused as somebody shouted nearby. "....Shadow man? Y-you should go get Alastor....!" Sonic whispered, hiding in the water. The shadow was torn... while it SHOULD go get it's master, the voice was getting closer and it didn't want to leave Sonic by himself. "Hello?! Anybody there?" Sonic whimpered softly after he saw a demon wandering up to the house. The shadow immediately disappeared to get Alastor, hoping the alligators wound keep Sonic safe. "Yo?" The demon pounded on the door. "Hellooooo?" He called before looking around the front yard. Sonic's toys were still out and forgotten in the grass. "Hm..." Sonic peeked up over the dirt mound hiding him, gasping and dipping back down once the demon saw him. Sonic cried quietly in fear... the alligators surrounded him like guard dogs, growling and snapping at the stranger. Trying to be a hero, the demon grabbed Sonic and pulled him out of the water, just barely avoiding the gators. The demon was a sinner, he had just fallen into Hell the day before, and happened to fall into Alastor's land... with no idea who Alastor was. "Hang on, Kid, I've got you!" He said, running from the large predators who chased him as far as they could. Unfortunately for the squirming toddler, the alligators couldn't leave the bayou, and the sinner managed to escape them with Sonic in his arms. "Hey! Put me down, I live there...!" "Those things tried to kill you!" "They're my friends, they're just water puppies! They were trying to kill you, not me." Sonic huffed, still trying to get free. "Sure. Kid, do you know where you are? This is HELL. Whatever those things were, they were not like puppies." "Yah-huh! Alastor won't let me have a dog, but he said they are exactly the same!" Sonic complained. "Alastor? Sounds like a kidnapper if I've ever heard of one." "He didn't kidnap me, YOU did." Sonic pointed out. "It's for your own good. Don't worry, I'll take care of you." "I wanna go home....!" Sonic kicked and screamed but everyone ignored him as the kidnapper took him further away from his home.

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