??? (Only 200ish words)

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Note: Hoping this VERY short little blurb gives me motivation to make more chapters, we'll see. This is also the theme of me and my bestie's RP right now, so it looks promising. I also got bored and played with the fonts.


Red... burning flesh, blood and metal. So hot. Sonic sat up with a groan. What happened? Where was he? Sonic shook his head. He had so many memories... too many memories. FAR too many memories for one lifetime. He stood up and took in all of his surroundings. Red. All red. "....Oh Chaos..." Sonic tried, but for the life of him, he couldn't remember what happened. His head hurt... a lot. So much red.

Those living in Hell hid away in fear. Never before had so much damage been done. At first, the hotel residents were calmly searching... then searching a bit more frantically... then fully panicked, shouting at the top of their lungs looking for Sonic... and then fully transformed demons tore through the Pride ring. Lucifer flew in the sky, Alastor stormed through the shadows, Charlie stomped with Vaggie through the main streets, Husk and Angel tore through the back alleys, and Niffty searched EVERY single possible hiding spot, big and small. The screams of all of the freshly slaughtered Mobians blared through speakers over radio frequencies everywhere as the only warning to get the FUCK out of their way.

The sound of a door. Opening gently... only to slam shut, followed by a scream.

Anger, desperation. Confusion... 

Lost... lonely... scared.

Helpless, worried, fragile...

Where was Sonic?

Another door... this one was slammed open. But not shut. Red met green. Both shocked.



꠸... ꠸ ᠻꪮꪊꪀᦔ ꪗꪮꪊ~

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