Settle in, Move on

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This one takes place after the concept intro chapter, so after Sonic leaves and returns to Hell. 

Also, I have seen the new episodes of Hazbin Hotel! So, while this book shouldn't have spoilers because it's obviously not canon, I'm gonna warn you anyways that this book COULD contain spoilers. Shouldn't, but it might. Got it? Ok, continue. :)

The princess stared at the curious blue hoglet staring back at her. He looked just like the adult hedgehog that disappeared with his friends. "Ummmm.... hi there, little guy? Who are you?" "I'm Sonic... who are you?" The child tilted his head as Charlie tried to understand what was going on. "....Hello?" Sonic pushed, now concerned. Partially due to the girl's stillness, but also because he was told to avoid all of the residents in the hotel. "I'm... Charlie!~ Where... are your parents?" "I dunno!~ I don't have a mother, and my Papa is hiding. We're playing hide and seek." Sonic explained. "Oh! Well... let's find him, shall we?" Charlie lead Sonic by the hand around the hotel. She had an idea of who was responsible for the child, but didn't want to assume. Looking around, Sonic spotted Alastor hiding behind one of the couches in the lobby. "Papa!~" Sonic let go of Charlie's hand and ran to his father, instantly getting swooped into his arms. "Well done, Sonic!~ You're getting better at-" Alastor paused as he made eye contact with Charlie. "....Hello, Charlie my dear!~ I wasn't aware anyone was still at the hotel... haha!~" Alastor laughed nervously, trying to hide his son behind his back. "Alastor. Care to explain why this child has the same name and look as the guy that went missing after you took him to another room a while back?" Charlie asked, trying to remain calm and not sound too mean. "Well... you see... I haven't the slightest clue what you're talking about!~" "Alastor!" The Radio Demon sighed as he gently placed Sonic on the floor in front of him. "I met Sonic MANY years ago... he was a living child in Hell, how could one NOT be curious!~ He... grew on me. So much so that I have kept him as my own child. But due to complications, he was taken from me." Alastor explained with a smile as Charlie listened intently. "...We also made a deal. That so long as he is in Hell, he will remain a child... when he leaves, he ages..." "Oh...! So.... they're the same Mobian?" "Yes." Charlie didn't really know how to feel. On one hand, a living child should NEVER be in Hell.... on the other... Charlie watched as Sonic watched Alastor, a big smile on his face. "He... seems to really like you. But what about his friends?" "I sent them home with the help of an old friend. There was no point in sending him back with them!~ Not only does he not remember them, but he'd start aging at five again." Alastor said, picking up Sonic again. "He's no threat, Princess... In fact, he could probably bring patrons to this fine establishment!~" "I could...? How?" Sonic asked, having been only half paying attention. "Darling, you are excellent with people!~ If anyone can manipula- I mean... convince... sinners towards the path of redemption, it would be you!~" Both Charlie and Sonic giggled as Alastor spoke with a salesman type of voice. "I... I guess he COULD..." With very light static, Alastor spoke again. "You will not be able to separate us, Charlotte...." Sonic seemed to realize that Charlie could make him leave the hotel, and was the one to decide whether or not they stayed. "Please....! I can learn to do... whatever somebody who works at a hotel does! I promise!~" Charlie's eyes sparkled at how adorable Sonic was, pleading with a bright smile on his face. "Oh ok!~" Charlie immediately agreed to allowing Sonic to stay, lightly tickling his neck and making him laugh. "Hopefully the others won't mind too much..." "If they do, I can sneak around 'em!~" Sonic offered. Meanwhile, Alastor was just relieved that Sonic was welcomed and not being made to leave him again.

A few hours later, the hotel residents returned, having gone out for various reasons. Once everyone was back, Charlie called a meeting. Alastor stood next to her, and Sonic hid behind their legs. While the Hell gators of the bayou didn't scare him, Vaggie and Angel Dust sure did. "What's going on, hun?" Vaggie asked, already on edge due to Alastor's presence. "Well... we have a new member of our little Happy Hotel family!~" Charlie announced, but the way she did so set Angel up for a joke. "Really? Didn't know you and the strawberry pimp were "active"~" A record screech and both Alastor and Charlie's happy faces fell at the implications. Angel laughed at the horrified and disturbed faces that stared back at him. "I thought you can't have babies, Papa...?" A whisper drew everyone's attention to the two demon's legs. Sonic tensed. 'How did they hear me...?! I whispered... didn't I?' Sonic thought to himself as Alastor looked back at him. "Cher?" Sonic looked up at him and Charlie. "Say hello..." Alastor said, and when Charlie nodded and gave him a reassuring smile, he did. Sonic stepped in front of them, and tried to put on his best smile, despite being intimidated by the shocked stares. "....Hi!~ I'm Sonic...!~" Sonic greeted. "...Is he.... What did you do!?" Vaggie shouted at Alastor. "Nothing worth raising your voice!~" Alastor replied. Charlie explained what Alastor had told her, and explained that she also wanted Sonic to stay. Immediately this caused an light argument with Vaggie. "Charlie, he's alive...! He shouldn't be here...!" Vaggie said as Alastor took Sonic over to meet Angel Dust, and properly introduce him to Niffty and Husker, because while the two hadn't met Sonic, Sonic knew of them. "I know Vaggie but... Alastor said he wouldn't be an adult or even remember his life if he goes back anyways, so... wouldn't it be better to keep him here?" "No! He doesn't belong down here, he needs to be where he came from." "But look at him... and he's so close to Alastor-" "He was fine when he came back down here with no idea who Alastor was..." "We don't know that...! Maybe he was really sad..." "Hun, do you really think a child should live in Hell...? Even in the hotel... it's dangerous." Vaggie strongly disagreed with Sonic's presence... but in the end, it wasn't her choice to make. While her girlfriend respected her opinions, Charlie was still the princess of Hell. And there were only two people above her status-wise. Charlie returned to the others and Vaggie made a choice that one could argue was worse than having Sonic wandering the streets of Hell. She sent a message to Lucifer and Lilith, asking them to come to the hotel to deal with the problem they now had. 

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