Chapter 4

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Blaires POV

Blaire looked around confused as they walked into a massive building with huge different rooms on both sides and a wide walkway down the middle that seemed endless.

"W-where are we?" Blaire asked Xander who she was walking next to.

"A mall. We'll get you new clothes and a haircut and a ton of other things."

Blaire nodded her head despite still being confused.

Mall. Haircut.


However, new clothes, now that she knew. Maybe she could even get a new pair of shoes if she was lucky! Her current pair was ripped and rusted. A new shirt and pants was already so generous though, so she wasn't holding her breath.

She followed Xander with Hunter trailing behind her into what was apparently called a store. Inside said store, there was a line a mirrors and black chairs with people sitting in them and someone standing over them with scissors, snipping away at their hair.

"A-are th-they gonna cut my hair?" Blaire asked, becoming nervous.

"Yeah they will. It will look good though, I promise," Xander replied kindly. She definitely favoured him over Hunter, who was currently standing in the corner of the store with a focused look on his face.

Maybe trying to solve a mystery?

Suddenly, a lady came up to Blaire and led her to a black chair with a mini sink behind it at the back of the shop. She told Blaire to sit down and put her head back.

Blaire flinched as the cold water cascaded down her scalp and the lady massaged it. It did feel nice though. Maybe.

After what Blaire guessed was 30 or more minutes, the lady led her to another chair with a mirror facing it at the front of the store. Blaire watched as pieces of her hair fell to the floor one after another. The lady then turned on some loud thing that had air coming out of it and started styling her hair. Blaire was closing her eyes the whole time, too afraid to see the result. But when she did open her eyes, she could barely recognize herself. Her hair was free of knots and had light curls framing her face. She liked it, but it would take some getting used to. Xander really liked it though, but Hunter remained his emotionless self.


"Keep up Blaire," Hunter said coldly as Blaire fell behind.

She picked up her pace as Hunter and Xander bickered more, before the two stopped by a wall, causing Blaire to almost walk into them. She peeked out from behind them and spotted a tall, brooding man walking towards them, taller than Hunter and Xander. Blaire remarked how he had the same icy blue eyes with specks of silver. They were like constellations.

Blaire loved constellations.

"Hunter, Xander, Blaire," He greeted.

"I'm Crimson Knight, your oldest brother."

He showed little to no emotion in his voice yet there was something about his presence that made Blaire feel safe and protected.

"Hurry up slowpokes! I want to hit Hermes to check out the new watch they just came out with," Xander called out, already walking towards this Hermes.

Blaire let out a small giggle as he strutted into the store like he owned the place. She realized she hadn't laughed in a long time, probably years. It felt good.

Maybe living with her brothers wouldn't be as scary as she feared. Her brothers.

Crimson rolled his eyes at Xanders antics before leading Blaire into what looked like a children's clothing store.

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