Chapter 6

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Hope you all enjoy this chapter!

Crimson POV:

It was NOT easy for Crimson to send Blaire to school. In fact, it wasn't an easy decision for any of the brothers. She was already so fragile and afraid, school would just add to it. Sadly, much to their dismay, she already missed so much education and needed to start at some point anyway.

However, Hunter had brought up a good point that Blaire might need to be homeschooled at first due to her missing so many years of it. The brothers were shocked when they learned that she actually had two large math and science books while in the cell, and she read them both. She was actually very smart, so no homeschooling was needed.

Her speaking.......well, that's another story. They all agreed the stuttering needed to be fixed.

Blaires POV:

"Ms Knight, your presence has been requested by your brothers. Please make your way downstairs," a butler informed Blaire.

Ms Knight.

It felt so strange to be given any kind of authority, especially considering Blaires age.

"T-thank you sir. P-please c-call me Bl-Blaire," she squeaked, surprised. Was she in trouble?

Her delicate hands shook as she gripped the gorgeous railing to balance. The staircase was extraordinarily beautiful but really, really big. It was gonna take some getting used to for someone as tiny as Blaire.

A bit of anxiety coursed through her. Was this about her study's? If so, she was even more terrified. School scared Blaire. Bad. Mean teachers, bullying, stress, new people, making friends. It's all so scary for her.

Blaire nearly stumbled but caught herself as she made her way down the final stair and released her iron grip on the railing.

"Blaire as you know, the beginning of school is approaching, and we want to talk to you about your studies. To make you feel a bit better about it we decided to put you in the same school as Xander," Crimson stated.

School? Really? Despite being somewhat excited, Blaire didn't know how she was going to keep up after missing so many years. Crimson had an answer to that though.

"Due to you lacking most fundamentals and basics for obvious reasons, we're going to hire tutor to come in six times a week leading up to the weeks of September," he added.

Blaire silently processed this information. Despite feeling a small jolt of excitement, shouldn't know how she felt about going to school. It terrified her. However, Xander would be there, so that was good but he wouldn't be there to look after her all the time. Shouldn't have the social skills the other children her age had. Would if her teachers hated her?

As if reading her mind, Crimson said, " Blaire we know you might not have a lot of social skills for friends, but you will be just fine. Get to know you soon to be classmates before school starts. if you deem some of them worthy, don't push them out."

That boosted Blaires confidence a bit and hesitantly, she reached up to give him a hug. Crimson gently patted her back before shoeing her off.

Feeling better surrounded by the safety of her room, Blaire observed the books on her shelf and picked up one called Alice in Wonderland. Within the next hour, she finished half of the book.

Blair loved the plot, from falling into a rabbit hole to appearing in an alternate universe where everything was so cryptic. It had so many twisted terms that you couldn't predict what would happen next. Hugging her stuffy closer to her and feeling comforted by her warm bedsheets and blankets she read on.

As Blaire turned one of the last pages of the book, a drop of maroon blood ran down her finger.

A paper cut.

It wasn't big, but she didn't want to ruin the bedsheets that were probably so expensive, so she left the comfort of her room to go find a bandage.

Out the door down the staircase and into the hallway, she opened the first door that she saw. Her heart dropped to her stomach.

She had walked into a meeting. Oh no. Nonononono.

Six people stared at her, three of them her own brothers. She stare back at them with big wide eyes. It was like she was a deer in the headlights.

"S-sorry, I-I'll go," Blaires small voice muttered, barely a whisper. She had turned around and was about to close the door before Crimson's voice echoed through the room. 

"Do you need something Blaire?" He asked, concern lacing through his voice.

"J-just a b-bandage ple-please."

Crimson stood from his chair and motioned for her to follow him through the door. Confused why he wasn't going to punish her for interrupting, Blaire stumbled and followed them, painfully aware that the stairs felt like holes burning through her blue sweater.

He opened a drawer beside the TV and passed her a bandaid covered with little stars before scooping her up and taking his place in the meeting room once more.

Blaire realized what was happening all too late, and fear immediately jolted through her. She was dropping in on the meeting. Questions raced through her head as Crimson took his seat.

She gave her somewhat reassuring look before looking at everyone in the meeting room with a wide eyed Blaire in his arms.

The room was silent for the first minute. The resemblance between Blaire and Crimson was undeniable. Anyone could see it. Recognition rang through the men sitting around the table, and their eyes widened as they realized they were sitting in front of the one and only, Blaire Knight. The next minute was filled with coos and awws as Blaire stared back at them.

Hunter roll his eyes at the sight in front of him. Full grown ass men cooing like a bunch of immature idiots at the arrival of innocent Blaire, whose face held pure confusion.

"Everyone, meet Blaire Knight," Crimson declared, almost a demand.

"Hi Blaire, I'm Lucas Grey!" A kind looking man introduced. He had dirty blond hair and blue eyes.

"What? Stop looking at me like I'm a fool and introduce yourselves. You're all scaring the poor girl to her core. Sorry but you guys are creeeeeepy."

A man with brown hair and dark green eyes introduced himself as Liam Lexington.

"Hey Blaire! Im Lucas Levon," the last man said was a lot of enthusiasm.

Blair said a quiet hi before wrapping the bandaid around her finger. The meeting continued on and Blaire just sat there more confused than ever. She had no clue about anything they were talking about, so she remained silent until the meeting ended. The other guys all stood up and shook hands with Blaire brothers before giving her a high five or fist bump.

Blair looked up to her brothers before rushing out of the room what happened in hopes they would forgive her. To her astonishment, Xander just laughed and ruffled her hair to which she squealed at.

A maid came in and said that dinner would be served in 30 minutes. Xander took Blaire's hand and let her to a mini movie theatre and let her choose any movie to watch. Being the little girl she was, they ended up watching something called My Little Pony. This was obviously not something. Xander would usually watch and was not up to his standards but he sucked it up for the sake of Blaire.

Unknown to the sibling, Crimson and Hunter stood silently at the doorway, sharing fond expressions at the sight in front of them.

This was a long chapter! Did you guys like it? Writing about the meetings as so fun as it's funny to imagine hardcore men cooing and awwing the little princess of the mafia family. Good news, winter break is coming so update will be WAY more frequent soon! Comment and vote please!

Edit: Thank you sooo much for 200 reads in such a short period of time. Seriously, I'm so grateful.


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