Chapter 10

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Blaire POV

"B-back to sch-school?!"


Crimson heaved a sigh as they told Blaire she would be going back to school. Honestly, if he had it his way, she wouldn't be setting foot on that property ever again. But she needed an education and Hunter and Crimson needed time to work. There would be a tracker on her at all times, of course. Now it came down to whether she agreed or not.

"Blaire, I know you're scared, but I promise that it will be safer this time. You have double security because of your tracker and because Xander over here will keep a very close eye on you, won't you Xander?" Hunter asked condescendingly.

Xander just gave a grumbled yes as a response. Despite his grumpiness, Blaire knew he felt really bad about what happened on her first day.

"O-ok, I w-will try," Blaire whispered.

With that, she went up to her room to fish up her school bag. She giggled a little as she imagined Xander with a pair of round glasses on trying to be serious and studying. Not that he wore glasses.

Her nubby finger traveled to her locket, and a wave of calmness washed over her. She never opened it, she always figured it wouldn't be important since she thought she would die with Mike. She only saw her initials engraved elegantly on the side.

Come to think of it, Blaire realized she never knew how she acquired the locket. She suspected one of her brothers gave it to her before she was abducted, so she didn't remember because she was so young. Ultimately, it was a mystery to her.

She crawled into bed and let the peaceful moonlight wash over her. She realized that, over the past few months, she had been and pulled out of an abusive home, met her brand new family and had actually been to school.

She had a perspective on life of which a normal seven year old never would.


The next day

Blaire his behind Xander as if that would hide her from the students stares burning into her. Xander dropped her off at her class with the promise to visit her during recess and sitting with her during lunch break. Her classmates stared her, their eyes round and wide with confusion. She fought the urge to go and hide under a desk.


Overall, the class had been pretty nice to her and they got to learn some 3-digit addition! Blaire was currently on her way to recess when she passed a group of older students. She couldn't help but overhear their conversation.

"Bro, did you get the homework yet? It's so fucking complicated!"

"Seriously? Nah, we just finished the main project for fucks sake. I ain't doing it."

Blaire continued walking, not wanting to hear anymore. However, she did hear a new word. She would have to ask her brothers about it later.


She spent the majority of her recess time talking to Xander about school. He listened as if someone was explaining a major mission for the mafia. Seriously, Blaire didn't know how he was able to pay such attention to detail. He had to admit, it was cute watching her little eyes light up and her little arms try to make big gestures to describe what she learned.

The rest of the day was, thankfully, normal. Even though Blaire rarely interacted with her classmates, which worried both Xander and her teacher.

He didn't want her to become an outcast in her own class or be bullied for her lack of social skills. However, he did see her smile once or twice at a certain girl in her class.


Xander had driven with his friends, despite his protests, so Hunter had came to pick up Blaire.

"Blaire, over here! Come on," Hunter called.


She plopped into the luxurious car in the front passenger seat. She suddenly remembered a certain question she wanted to ask.

"Hunter, w-what does f-fuck mean?" She asked curiously.

Hunter did a double take and stared at her. His expression slowly morphed into a huge grin.

"Tell you what. I'll tell you what it means and some other words too."

Blaire nodded eagerly.


She and her brothers were seated at the dinner table in Night Manor. Hunter and Crimson were talking about a mission of some sort, and Blaire was telling Xander about her latest favourite picture book she read. She remembered what Hunter told her in the car.

"U-um, I ha-have a ques-question," Blaire said.

She now had all the brothers attention.

"C-can I hav-have a fucking b-bitch?" She announced.

Hunter was snickering in the corner while Xander and Crimsons eyes widened in shock.


"Hunter, what the fucking hell?!"

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Once again, my friend and I are so sorry about the late update. We hope you guys will continue to read and will try top update more often.

Comment and vote if you can.

- Mariana

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