Night 4: The Booth

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They sit in silence, the dimly lit cellar only has two cells. Unfortunately, Ghost and Soap have found themselves beaten and bloody, trapped in their own respective cells. Ghost, in his cell, sits on the damp ground, resting his head back on the wall. Ghost has decided taken this as an opportunity to rest.

Being outside in the harsh cold, couldn't be compared to the warm dampness of the cellar. Aside from his rest, across from him, Soap has other plans. He's looking around his cell, feeling along the walls, floor, and roof. For something, anything that could help get them out of this situation. Ghost, taken notice of this action, for the betterment of an hour, has tried to ignore the shifting.

"Johnny.. You've be searching your cell for a few days now, I don't think there's anything there" Ghost says. Soap rest his hands on his sides, letting out a tried breath. "At least I'm trying to get us out of here" Soap mentions. Ghost lifts his head, looking at him through his bars. Soap quickly takes notice of his mask, more or less, lack of one.

Ghost beacons him with his finger, Soap walks over, leaning on the bars. They sit in silence, "How is this-" Ghost puts his finger to his lips, shushing. Soap watches as he points to the roof, they both listen intently. Muffled sounds of music plays above them, along with loud voices, and heavy footsteps.

They're were people above them, "Friendly?" Soap asks, keeping his voice low. "I'd doubt it" Ghost says, leaning his head back on the wall. "How do we know they aren't friendly?" Soap asks, looking towards the stairs near the front of the cellar. "How long have we been in here again?" Ghost asks, looking his direction.

"It's.. Point taken" Soap says, he sits on the concrete a disappointed look on his face. "You're usually passed out by now, but so you know, we're under a bar in a wine cellar, or a should be wine cellar" Ghost tells. Soap looks around the dimly lit room, not seeing a shelf nor bottle in sight. "A poorly kept one" he says, "Telling by how there are two cells, I'm certain this was used for storing something other than consumables."

Soap takes another look at the roof, the poorly fitted stones, overlapping one another. He lets out a deep sigh, hanging his head. With Ghost's nonchalant attitude, along with what you could assume to be a mildew smell, things feel hopeless. This mission has an unfortunate start, getting caught this early on, might be a new record for the 141.

"Hey Ghost?" Soap calls out, "Hm?" Ghost sounds, keeping his head back. "Do you remember three years ago, when we got in trouble and had to do booth duty on base?" he asks. Ghost lets out a light scoff, "Vividly" he responds. "This reminds me of it now.. Kind of, if we were in the same cell, and.. Less damp."

Three years ago, west entry booth, 2:13pm

Soap POV

I sit in the booth, watching Ghost walk up to the car patiently waiting at our checkpoint. "ID?" Ghost asks the car, the driver hands something over. He looks it over, handing it back "Enjoy your time on base" he tells them. He waves to me to open the gate, I press the button, allowing the car to pass through.

He starts to walk back as the gate slowly closes, I open the note book. Blue Nissan SUV, Ghost enters the booth, sitting in the only chair we have in out limited space. "Name?" I ask, "Daniel Evans, plate, F-K-G-1-0-5-3" he recites. I write down the information, "Reason for visit?" I ask, a moment passes "shit."

I look back at him, "You forgot to ask again?" I ask. "Shit, that was only the third car, I'll remember it for the next one" he tells me. I chuckle, facing back the notebook, Reason for visit; Military spose/visitation. I look back out the front window, we haven't gotten many cars, which otherwise would be a good thing.

Unfortunately for us, we have 29 more hours in this booth together. "Want me to take the next car?" I ask, Ghost scoffs behind me "I'm sure you just want to show off how much you've done this" he says. I turn, leaning back on the counter "I'm not sure me getting punished into doing this is showing off, but in a way yeah."

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