Night 6: A Sergeant's Misfortune

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There was noise.

Not the usual footsteps, talking, or rumble of slammed glasses. There was a conversation happening above. A conversation where the words were clear as day, and the rest of the world was silent.

"They've already made their way through 2 of our camps. Destroying everything, picking it apart, looking for something. What could they be searching for?"


The room goes quiet, Soap had been listening through the floorboards. Keeping still, making sure his breathing didn't alarm anyone that he was there. There was nothing he could do in his bare cell, with the coarse walls and rusting bars. They were trapped, and there was nothing they could do.

Stripped of their weapons, all Soap had to protect himself with, was the single layer of clothing they'd left him with. He looks over to Ghost, he lays in his cell, face down. His chest rises, assuring that Ghost was indeed, alive. What could he do? Think John, think.

"If they do come, we'll be prepared. Go with Shaw, get a car, and be back by sun down."

"What about them?"

"What about them? One of them has lost hope in being rescued, and the other is bleeding out as we speak. If they were able to make any kind of effort to escape, it'd be a act of God. Speaking of, go down and check on the bleeding one. Dhanial won't be too happy if she finds blood stained on the concrete."

Shit. They were fucked. Soap quickly shifts his attention to Ghost, who's behavior starts to make sense. The heavy grunts, hisses in pain, bleeding. He was being tortured, and Soap didn't know. He had to do something. He rushes to the bars, "Ghost? Ghost I know the floors comfortable, but I really need you to get up."

A pained moan escapes his mouth, his body shifting slightly. He couldn't move. Suddenly, above them, footsteps. Heavy footsteps walking in a familiar direction, they were coming. "Shit. Look for something that could help, what could help them?" Soap begs himself. Out of everything that had been taken, he didn't realize that he had one thing.

His shoes. His shoes remained on his feet. Quietly peeling off the Velcro, under the straps, sat their one hope. His shoe laces. Hearing the wood echo into the chamber, as it grows louder, Soap moves quicker. 

Three months ago, Orlov Military base, Lieutenant Simon Riley's office.
Time; 7:52pm

Soap POV

I walk into the Lieutenant's office, holding my hands behind me. "Afternoon Lieutenant, you called for me?" I say. There he was, he lifts his gaze to me, examining my demeanor. "I did, we've just received a new briefing from the Special Operations Command" he says, pulling a file. His arms move through his shirt, I dig my fingers into my palm.

"Should I close the door, sir?" I ask. Our eyes meet, I'm already familiar with this type of meeting. "Yes" he tells me, I close the door. Walking over to one of the two chairs that sit in front of his desk, sitting comfortably. "This mission may be a little different, MacTavish." Ghost says. I quickly take notice of his tone, formal and commanding.

"We're operating behind enemy lines here. So the usual rules of engagement, as well as all official oversight, has been suspended. Understand?" He informs. I lean back in the chair "We're alone, you can drop the act. Why do you always need an excuse to see me?" I question. He chuckles, smiling, "I was getting to that, I did want to see you today."

I cross my arms, groaning. "So eager to ask me questions yet ignore mine" I rebut, annoyed. He sets down the file, "Ok, what do you want to know?" Ghost asks. "You know my questions, I've told you them, yet you still call me in as if you wanted to keep what we're doing a secret" I complain. He sighs "Secret? Johnny you know I care about you, even when our.. Relationship got intimate, you know that, right?" He questions.

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