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I don't know What it's like to feel attracted to someone.

It's like everyone in my university seems like they're enjoying themselves with their potential partners,but to me it seems so dull.

Like, I don't have a desire to have sex, yes,you heard it correct, I don't ever feel horny.

It's like I don't even want to.

But it comes naturally to me.

Sex was never something I desired, but I am curious about it seeing everybody enjoy themselves.

I guess that's why I am on the top of the academic grade chart every semester.

Sex seems too distracting but I have only got one aim and that's to become the best doctor in the world.

"Did you take the pill you're supposed to?" Asked dad

"Yes pops, don't you worry." I replied

To be honest I have absolutely no idea why I have been taking the pill mom and dad got me, so I've stopped taking it.

I know it's risky but you only live once and I have to find out the truth.

"Bye mom,pops,Brian! I'm going to the university"


**Aura arrives at the university**

I don't know what it is but I feel like 6th sense of mine has suddenly woken up.

It feels different-weird.

But a good weird....

Oh my fucking god! What's happening to me? Why am I having this sorts of feelings? Like I wanna be desired by someone?

Maybe i always felt like this and my mindset always told me to suppress those feelings, as y'all know - all this, it's just a god damn Distraction from the real world.

But I won't think about it. It's a fucking waste of time.

"Girly! What da fuck you doin' standin' all alone on tha bleachers?"Yelled Olivia Green, my bestfriend since 12 years from behind me.

"Oh! Liv! I was just going towards the class." I replied feeling kinda bad for lying to my bestfriend.

"Bitch, the class ain't nowhere close from tha bleachers. Really though, what da fuck you doin' here!?" Smirked a suspicious Olivia.

" You're crazy, let's get going or Mr. Karim won't let us in." I replied, already running out of the bleachers.

"Yea, let's get goin!'"i laughed at her sarcasm. Absolutely no one in the university liked Mr Karim for he was always screaming and took extra time from our gym periods just to teach us fucking math! Yea math! Who the fuck likes math.

I've always been good in studies but I've never liked math as a subject, though I'm still at the top of the class in math. Yea, fucking ironic.

**Aura and Olivia enter the classroom**

"Ouu, we're right on time! The old asshole hasn't arrived yet. Let's go to the front row today, cause it's all empty and he won't pay shit of attention over there!" Screeched Olivia excitedly.

"Whatever you say Liv!"I knew better not to mess with her.

**A tall, really handsome guy with spectacles and wheatish skin tone who looks around 30 enters the class**

"Oh great heavens! Who's that?"said Olivia, basically chewing her lips.

"Good morning students, I'm Jayden Fernandez, I'll be taking Mr Karim's class from today" greeted the teacher.

We could hear the girls simp over him and guys throw him judgy looks just because their girlfriends were drooling over him.

I mean, I don't blame them, he's good to look at. And by good i mean- really good.

"Bitch you wanna bang that ass!?" Smirked Olivia.

"What are you talking about? He's our teacher and anyway, I'm way above the girls simping for our teachers. I'm here just to study and he's here just to do his job, and that is to teach us."

Suddenly I notice someone's hot breath on my ear, and I moaned of desire.

I'm so thankful that Olivia was busy chatting with other classmates, I dont want anyone to see me in this vulnerable position.

"I guess I won't be here just to teach, Ms Woods." Whispered Jayden.

"Oh great heavens! You startled me! And how do you know my name?" I whispered back.

"Pretty girls like you don't need to tell me your names, cause i already do my homework " winked Jayden and went back to the class.

Oh my God! What is happening? He's my teacher and Why am I feeling like this?

" Before we continue, we have 3 new classmates joining us, please come in all of you."said Jayden.

"Hey everyone! I'm Aiden and these are my best friends Xavier and Kingsley!" Said Aiden introducing themselves.

" You may find someone to sit with. Also I might as well appoint you student guides. Ah! Aura you can be their student guide, perhaps you're the smartest student in the school.This is great."Said Jayden.

"Do I not have a say in this? What if I don't want to do so?" I questioned Jayden.

"It boosts your gpa.well, well,we'll, are you agreeing to do so, or should I ask ms Green?" He said smirking.

"I'll do it." I replied.

" Great now that's all settled, I request ms green to go sit with Bryce from today, as Kingsley will be sitting with you from now on. He's academically weak, he needs your help." Suggested Jayden.

"Well, that's alright. I'll give them a tour of the school after our classes." I said nonchalantly.

"Aiden and Xavier, you may go and sit behind Ms Woods and Mr Arthur." Barked Jayden.

It will be a long day, I guess.

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