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Here he was standing, infront the the school entrance which was now filled with students going in to start their life with the boring school, well for some it was boring at least....
He was that kind of boy, who was famous, handsome, rich.
Ad he stood infront of the entrance, waiting for a specific someone, a lot of girls and some boys greeted him as they went inside the school.... Some even tried flirting but he wasn't that easy to give in.... But he did... His heart did.... His heart gave in to this girl.
He was wearing those kind of dress, a motorbike jacket... Which cool jeans and a black t-shirt.... He had his cool designed helmet in one hand as he leaned against the wall waiting for the person who takes away his sleep.

He checked the time to see 15 minutes left for class to start. Now he was a bit worried. "What if she doesn't come?" He thought.
He still waited. Being late for class wasn't a problem to him if he could just get a glance of her.
Soon his waiting was worth. The person he wanted to see came. She walked in through the entrance without ven giving him a glance or greetings him. It wasn't a new thing for him though.. he smiled seeing her.

"Aera.." he called in his usual soft voice.
She turned around hearing the familiar voice. She sighed.

Aera : jungwon...
Jungwon smiled before walking towards her.
Jungwon : good morning. How have you been?
Aera : I'm fine... Jungwon you know you're wasting your time....
Jungwon smiled disappeared for a moment but it instantly came back.
Jungwon : I don't care how long it takes... I'll always wait for you...

Pure love.... Pure love and sincerity was the only thing that was seen in his eyes and heard in his words when he see her, when he speak to her....

Jungwon was a motorbike racer, he was pretty famous in his school as he had won a lot of races and for his good and kind gentle-man like personality. He saw her... Yun Aera once he was riding his motorbike through the road. Just one glance... A single glance was all it took for him to fall for her....

Aera sighed before speaking.
Aera : Jungwon.. I have already told you a lot of times... I'm not interested so please stop hurting yourself again and again and just accept the fact...
Jungwon looked at her. His smile never leaving his face even though he was clearly hurt by her words.
Jungwon : I just can't....
He said quietly.
Aera : well... I'm going to my class bye...
She said before walking away to her class, leaving Jungwon all alone in the hallway. All the students were in their respective classes as there was only 5 minutes before class starts. Jungwon sighed. "Don't give up..." He thought. He went to his class.


Here he was, waiting across her classroom door again as he waited for her class to end. Soon the class ended and everyone came out but his eyes searched for her.

Jungwon : Aera!
He called out as he spotted her among the crowd.
Aera sighed and tried to ignore him and walk away but he stopped her by blocking her way.

Jungwon : Aera can you come to my race tomorrow? I'll be so happy if you be there...
He said with a hopeful smiled that was always on his face when he talked to her.
Aera : Jungwon you already know I wouldn't come. What is the point of asking anyways?
Jungwon sighed.
Jungwon : Aera come on.... Just this once.... Trust me it'll be good.... Just give me a chance...
He said in a desparate tone.

He was lovesick... He craved her love so much but she.... She didn't see it...

Aera : I've to study Jungwon.... And there's no point in loving me anyways... Just stop already..... Loving me is pointless....
She said. This is what she always said but he never stopped.... He never gave up on her.

Jungwon : please Aera.... Just give me a chance....
He looked at her with pleading eyes.
His eyes showed nothing but just love and sincerity.
Aera sighed.
Aera : I'm sorry Jungwon...
She walked away.

When she walked away a small bottle of medicine fell from her pocket. Jungwon immediately noticed it and picked it up, reading it's name.

Jungwon : imatinib?
He whispered to himself while reading the name written on the small bottle.
Jungwon : Aera! You dropped this!!
He ran behind her calling her out.

Aera immediately turned around again. She noticed the bottle in Jungwon hand. As soon as jungwon reached her she took the medicine bottle from him and kept it back in her pocket.

Aera : thank you...
She said in a quiet tone.
Jungwon smiled sweetly.
Jungwon : it's ok.... Uh.. can you tell me what is that medicine used for?
He asked curiously.
Aera looked at him. She thought for a second before replying.
Aera : oh it's nothing.... Just headache tablets..
She said with a very small smile.

Even she only smiled a bit that hit Jungwon's heart directly. He felt as if cupid's arrow has hit him for the second time after seeing her.

Jungwon : oh ok... By the way please think about my race.... I really hope to see you there...
He said with the same look in his face.
Aera : I'll see you around Jungwon....
She said before walking away leaving him alone in the hallway again.

Jungwon sighed.
Jungwon : come on... She's come around.... I just need to.... I just need to try harder. I'm sure I can win her heart.... Yes I can... I shouldn't give up now! Yes!! I will get her!!
He motivated himself while going to his next class.

Hello my dear readers,
I'm so sorry that I deleted the Chan's story.... I deleted it due to some issues. I hope you understand.
Here is a new story for you all. I hope you will like this one.
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