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She took a deep breath.
Aera : I.... I have Leukemia...
She said.
Jungwon froze for a second and looked away before looking at her again.
Jungwon : w...what did you say?
Aera sighed.
Aera : you heard me.... I have blood cancer...

Jungwon felt as if his whole world was shattering. The girl he loved.... His first love was always suffering with some disease while he didn't even know. He felt mad at himself that he wasn't there for her even though he didn't know about this.

Jungwon : tell me you're joking...
He said as he looked at her with teary eyes.
Aera : I'm not joking jungwon... The medicine you saw the other day wasn't painkillers... I was lying...
Jungwon was taken back by everything she was saying.

Aera : I told you... You shouldn't love me. We can't be together anyways.
Jungwon : no! Don't say that! Just because you have some cancer doesn't mean we can't be together!
He raised his voice slightly but yet again his voice was breaking and shaky.
Jungwon was still in disbelief of what he heard.
Jungwon : look I don't care if you have cancer... I...I still love you...
He said while looking her in the eyes. His eyes filled with tears.
Aera : jungwon plea-
Jungwon cut her sentence before she can finish it.

Jungwon : you were the first person who I've ever loved this much. I don't care if you have some cancer or anything. I promise I'll take care of you. You were my top priority rom the day that I met you and you will remain as my top priority till the day I die. So please please give me a chance. I really want you Aera. I.... I really love you with my whole heart...
He told her. His voice was filled with nothing but love and sincerity. His teary eyes filled with a lot of emotions looking at her hoping to get a positive response from her.

Aera couldn't stand seeing him this desparate for her love. Even after knowing she was going to die sooner he still needed her.... And that was more than enough for her.

Aera : I love you too Jungwon... And I mean it...
She smiled at him.
Jungwon was taken back as he never expected Aera to actually accept his proposal but finally his hard work paid off. He couldn't be more happier.
Jungwon tightly hugged her buring his face in her neck. His hands wrapped around her waist and the back of her head. Aera returned the hug and they were in the loving embraces of each other's.

Jungwon couldn't hold himself back anymore. He pulled away from the hug and cupped her cheeks and pulled her into a sweet and passionate kiss. It was their first kiss. Aera didn't resist and kissed him back with the same love and passion. Their lips danced together with each other as they were in each other's warm embrace.

After a few minutes Jungwon pulled back from the kiss only to see a flustered Aera. He smiled.
Jungwon : will you go out with me now?
He asked hopefully.
Aera : yes..
This time she didn't even hesitate to say yes to him. At last she also confess her love for him after all this time.
Jungwon heart filled with happiness after hearing her answer.
Jungwon : you won't change your mind right? You're serious about it now right?
Aera nodded. She could see the happiness in his eyes.
Jungwon : how about this Sunday? Can we go on this Sunday?
Aera : of course...
She smiled.
Jungwon couldn't explain the happiness he was feeling now. This was the happiest day of his life. He finally got a chance with his first love.
Aera : I'll see you after class then... Bye wonnie..

Jungwon's heart skipped a beat when she called him wonnie. It was a name he liked to be called by his loved ones and hearing her calling him wonnie made him feel butterflies in his stomach.

Jungwon : bye Aera... I'll be waiting for you after class...
He said smiling. His eyes looking at her with nothing but pure love.
Aera smiled back at him before walking away to her class.

Here he was again. Waiting for his crush but now he's girlfriend infront of her class as usual. Every single student greeted Jungwon while going out of the class as he waited for that once person to come out. He looked through the window to see her pack her things back in her bag.

Aera looked around the class after packing her things in her bag. See saw Jungwon staring at her through the window. He smiled as he noticed that she was looking back at him. She smiled back at him too.
Aera went out of the class. As soon as she get of the class Jungwon took her bag to carry.

Aera : Jungwon you don't have to do that.
She said smiling slightly.
Jungwon smiled widely as he replied.
Jungwon : but I want to do it! You're my girlfriend and I always wanted to carry my girlfriend's bag. Now is my chance to make my dreams come true so don't stop me!
Aera chuckled lightly.
Aera : you look like a cat who is ready to fight.
Jungwon looked at her.
Jungwon : I look like a cat?
Aera nodded.
Aera : if it was possible I would have adopted you because you're so cute.

Jungwon blushed as she talked to him like that. This was his dream and he felt so happy that it was coming true now. He couldn't hide his smile from forming in his lips. His heart beating faster than before. His blush didn't went unnoticed by Aera. She knew she had an effect on him. She smiled.

"He looks so cute right now... How was I even able to reject him all these while..." She thought to herself as she stared at Jungwon.


I noticed Aera staring at me as if she was thinking about something. I could feel myself blushing and I knew she was staring at me blushing but still she seems to be spacing out. What was she thinking? My eyes travelled from her eyes to her lips to notice she had a light soft smile on her lips and it made me smile too. Does she find me too cute? Am I finally melting her heart? I noticed she was still spacing out so I decided to take a chance. I slowly leaned forward to her and suddenly pecked on her lips. As soon as he pulled away he noticed her blushing her eyes widened. He could tell she didn't expect him to do that at all.


I was staring at Jungwon, so lost in my thoughts. My eyes admiring each and every feature of him. His blush was so cute that I just wanted to kiss him. His cheeks looks so soft and squishy. I bet he'll look adorable if someone pulls his cheeks.
I was so lost and deep in my thoughts when I suddenly felt a soft pair of lips on mine. My whole body froze as well as my mind. My eyes as I looked at Jungwon to see him grinning widely. He knows what he was doing and he was still doing it. I was all flustered while he was just staring at me with a teasing smile. He kissed me as if he read my thoughts.


Jungwon was still staring at Aera while she was still processing what happened. Jungwon noticed that she wasn't going to say anything so he decided to speak first.
Jungwon : did you like it? Did I caught you by suprise?
His teasing grin never left his lips.
Aera :
She stuttered.
Jungwon laughed.
Jungwon : you look so cute now you know that?
Aera blushed more.
Aera : w...w...why did do t...that for?
Jungwon : because I wanted to... Anyways let's go go home shall we?
Aera nodded.

Jungwon smiled before holding her hand and started walking home. Aera was feeling a lot of butterflies in her stomach.

So finally they are together.... Or are they? Will their happiness last long? Well, continue reading to find out.
I hope you like this chapter moons and please vote and comment as it gives me a lot of motivation to keep going. And I would also like to thank you all for making my first story (Her Gaurdian -Lee Heeseung) an hit! The story got more than 8k reads! Thank you moons for that and please read my stories.
I love you all moons! Stay tuned for the nest chapter ❤️

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