Part 7: First Lessons

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The Grissom Academy, once a place of learning and research, was now filled with B1 Battle Droids, scouring the station for any valuable information or resources that could aid the Separatist cause. Their mechanical footsteps echoed through the deserted hallways, their photoreceptors scanning data terminals and research labs. But their search yielded little more than academic records, research notes, and educational materials.

Onboard the Malevolence, General Grievous stood in the command center, awaiting a status report from one of the Tactical Droids. The droid approached him, reporting, "General, our forces have secured the Grissom Academy, but our initial scans indicate that the station contains primarily academic data and research materials. There is little of strategic value here."

Grievous clenched his fists in frustration. He had hoped that capturing the academy might yield valuable information or resources that could aid the Separatist cause. But it seemed that the station's primary focus had been on education and research, and now that their attempt to capture the biotic students had failed, the station appeared to be of little use to them.

"Continue the search," Grievous ordered, his voice laced with irritation. "Scour every inch of the station. There must be something of value here. We cannot afford to leave empty-handed."

The Tactical Droid nodded and relayed the command to the B1 Battle Droids, who continued their search. Grievous watched with a sense of frustration and impatience, determined to salvage something from this mission, even if it meant sifting through academic data and research records.

Then, suddently, the holographic communication system on the Malevolence's bridge beeped urgently, indicating an incoming call. General Grievous swiftly moved to answer it, and within moments, the hologram of Count Dooku materialized before him.

Count Dooku's presence was imposing, and he regarded Grievous with a calm but firm expression. Grievous immediately began his report, explaining the situation at the Grissom Academy, the failed attempt to capture the biotic students, and the ongoing search for valuable information within the station.

Count Dooku listened attentively, but as Grievous finished his report, his expression showed a hint of frustration. "General, your actions were reckless and unnecessary," Dooku chided. "Capturing a single academic station, no matter its advanced technology, does not grant the Separatists any strategic advantage in the Milky Way Galaxy."

Grievous felt a wave of tension wash over him, knowing he had displeased his master. But Dooku continued, "What you failed to realize is that the Grissom Academy's terminals have access to a vast information network known as the Extranet. This network connects the various advanced civilizations of the Milky Way Galaxy. It contains a wide range of data, from cultural trivia to valuable information such as galactic maps, current events, and details on the military capabilities of the Milky Way civilizations."

Grievous's eyes widened in realization. He had completely overlooked the potential value of the Extranet information. The frustration he felt earlier now turned inward as he berated himself for missing such a critical opportunity.

Dooku's holographic image remained stern as he concluded, "You will secure access to this Extranet information at once, General. It may provide us with insights and advantages in this unfamiliar galaxy that we could not acquire through any other means. Do not fail me again."

Grievous nodded, his determination renewed. "As you command, Count Dooku. I will ensure that the Extranet information is acquired and delivered to you."

With that, Count Dooku's hologram vanished, leaving Grievous to contemplate his next steps and the newfound significance of the Grissom Academy's Extranet access.

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