Someone wanted this chapter from Mason's POV so naturally I spent a couple of months not writing it then wrote it. I will not cave easily! But eventually will cave.
Heads up, it's flipping pancakes long!
Mason made his way to the guest room, hearing the sound of Carter and Bridgette talking emanating from it. Their tones were teasing and Mason knew they were bonding. The sound made his heart flinch.
He stuck his head into the doorway and paused at seeing them curled up on the bed next to each other. Though neither was wearing a smile, Mason could see the faint traces of them on their faces. Again Mason felt the pinch in his chest. Coming to this home, he'd been aware of the dangers it held. It was the pain of the past, it was the uncertainty and hope of the future. Owens should have been prepared for this but she'd failed completely.
"We have a call from the Director," he said.
Bridgette sighed and let go of Carter's arm. "Back to work?"
The quick way Bridgette gave physical contact told Mason how completely screwed Carter was.
"Back to work," Carter said.
"Ask him if you can have tomorrow night off," Bridgette said. "There's this movie showing that I think you might like."
"Ha. Ha."
Mason didn't need to know the context of what that meant, the easy back and forth told him that it was an inside joke.
Insidious things to have with people.
As they walked back to Bridgette's room, their base of operations, Mason couldn't help shooting glances at Carter. The way she ignored him told him exactly how much she was avoiding dealing with what the definitive outcome of this situation was.
Closing the door behind them, Mason settled into the pink swivel chair. He'd never say it outright but he'd grown attached to the chair. It was surprisingly comfortable.
Also, it was the safest thing to get attached here. A chair didn't have feelings and wouldn't be crushed when he left it.
"Hello, Director Townsend," Mason said.
Mason cast a glance at the causal way Carter sat. The poor girl didn't know this wasn't their usual update. Mason knew what was coming. He knew they'd accumulated all the information that would possibly need. It seems Carter wasn't using her brain. A first.
He watched as she froze and stared at the phone when the director said their work had been exceptional and they had all the information they needed. They were then ordered to come home.
"You have everything you need?" Carter asked.
Repeating the last sentence the director had said, it was going to be worse than Mason predicted.
"We do," Townsend said. "I'll have flights booked for you tonight so you can come home. Write up your final reports and I'll see you back at the Bureau. Good work."
Townsend hung up and neither of them spoke. Carter stared out the window while Mason stared at her. He almost felt bad but he'd thought Owens would know better.
Humans were like puppies, you risked getting attached if you learned their names.
"It's surprising, isn't it?" he said.
"What is?" Carter asked, looking at him.
"How easy it is to get attached to someone?"
"You don't get attached," Carter said.
Case Reopened
Подростковая литература2nd Book of A Secret Service one shots. The last chapter of the last chapter isn't even the last chapter because chapters keep appearing. #1 in Friendship Goals