Chapter 11: The Creator

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November 9th, 2038 11:17 am

Connor blinked open his eyes after having made his report to Cyberlife. He glanced outside of Hank's car and spotted the man pacing back and forth in the snow while he was on the phone. Clara was leaning against the hood of the car, waiting for him to be done. She shivered and tugged her wool lined jean jacket tighter against herself, crossing her arms. Connor got out of the car and walked up next to Clara, who briefly glanced in his direction. Hank approached them and put his phone away, sighing.

"Is everything ok, Lieutenant?" Connor asked.

"Chris was on patrol last night. He was attacked by a bunch of deviants..." Hank answered.

"What?" Clara exclaimed, worry laced in her voice.

"He said he was saved by Markus himself," Hank said. Clara smiled at that.

"Is Chris ok?" Connor asked, worried.

Hank raised an eyebrow at the android's concern and nodded. "Yeah, he's in shock, but... he's alive..."

Clara grinned. "Of course. Markus would make sure that no android intentionally hurt a human."

Hank glanced at her, then turned away. "What the hell..." The three go quiet for a long moment.

Clara took a deep breath and started to walk through the snow towards the house they were in front of. They were at the residence of Elijah Kamski, the founder and previous CEO of Cyberlife. Hank followed her, and Connor followed him.

He decided to bring up the man they came to see. "Kamski left Cyberlife ten years ago... Why did you wanna meet him?"

Hank let out a chuckle. "This guy created the first android to pass the Turing Test. And he's the founder of Cyberlife. Anybody can tell us about deviants, it's him... Plus, Clara knows him pretty well. So maybe he'll be more willing to tell us somethin," he glanced at his younger partner.

Clara nodded. "Elijah's been good friends with my father for years now. He's basically family at this point. It's funny, even though he's only a few years older than me, he really felt closer to my dad's age. Guess being incredibly smart does that to you."

"Interesting..." Connor said as they reached the front door.

Hank pressed the doorbell, and a pleasant sound rang all around them. Hank peered around them, slightly impressed. When no one answered, he leaned forward to ring it again. Just then, the door opened, revealing a pretty female android. It had blonde hair tied in a low ponytail that draped over its shoulder, white skin, bright blue eyes and dark eye makeup. It wore nothing but a blue, slim fitting dress. It looked at them in slight confusion, as Kamski wasn't expecting any guests today.

"Hi..." Hank greeted. "Uh... I'm, er, Lieutenant Hank Anderson, Detroit Police Department. I'm here to see Mr. Elijah Kamski."

"God, Hank, you're so stiff," Clara shouldered her way past the older man and smiled at the blonde android. "Hi Chloe! We're here to see Elijah."

The android, Chloe, smiled at Clara. "Ah, Miss Manfred, welcome back! Please, come in." She stepped back and extended her arm, inviting the trio inside.

"Okay," Hank muttered as they walked into the foyer. They looked around, marveling at the large room.

Chloe shut the front door then turned to address them. "I'll let Elijah know you're here. But please, make yourself comfortable." It headed off towards a doorway on the other end of the room.

The foyer was decently sized. On the wall adjacent to the front door, there was a large portrait of a well dressed man. On either side of the portrait was a strange statue with a glowing triangle in the chest, and solid doors were next to each statue, one of which was the one that Chloe had gone through. To the left, there were two red chairs, a small tree between them. Behind the chair closest to the door, there was a tall, overhanging lamp of some sort, with a faux boulder in the corner. Hanging on the wall behind the other chair was a strange decoration of multiple little pyramids facing in different directions. Hank took a seat at the chair closest to the door, and Clara perched herself on the arm of the other chair. On the right side of the room, there was another large faux boulder resting in the right most corner. Another, larger art piece that seemed to be constantly moving hung on the wall, next to a small holograph picture that was hanging above a slim table that had a strange, golden statuette.

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