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The sun peeks through the sides of my sunglasses as I lift my head from my book to glance around the park on campus. There are some people passing a volleyball around, and a small pick-up game of soccer. Most of the other students are doing the same as myself, sitting in the grass reading or doing school work. The grass under my bare legs waves a bit in the breeze, and I take another glance around before laying my book down and flopping onto my back. I reach into my pocket for my phone, and open messages.

me < connie! u said u were on ur way like 20 minutes ago :/

baldy :) >  I knowww but be patient I was waiting for someone

me < wdym?


He immediately reads the message, but doesn't respond so I put my phone back in my pocket and close my eyes. The music pours through my headphones into my ears, and I wave my fingers through the grass to the rhythm. I close my eyes and begin to sing softly, losing myself in the song, but I'm yanked out of my personal heaven as I'm hit in the side of my face with a ball. Sitting up, a shoe is next to hit my face.

"Watch where you're going!" I shout after the foot, grabbing my face as pain blooms throughout my cheek. I get a glance at the culprit running after the volleyball still bouncing along the ground. A tall boy, with brown hair styled into something resembling a mullet looks back at me, worry on his face. "Jean! You are so fucking dead!" I say, ripping my headphones and sunglasses off and launching myself off the ground. I begin to sprint after him, only catching up when he slows to pick up the ball.

"Sorry (Y/N)." Jean says, "But you shouldn't have sat up!"

"You shouldn't have jumped over me!" I shout even louder, picking up speed as I barrel toward him. I've known Jean for a long time, and I'm happy to call him my friend. But sometimes, he really gets on my nerves. He sprints away to his group with the volleyball, and I follow. He took the long way around the various groups in the park leaving me with the straight path to where he's heading. Willing my legs to go faster, I intercept him in a tackle just as we reach his friends.

"Don't jump over people!" I grunt as I sit on his back, trying to yank the ball away from his hands.

"Eren! Help!" Jean pleads, looking over to a boy with brown hair tied up. But Eren is doubled over, laughing too hard to react.

I finally snatch the ball from his hands and wind it up high over my head before pelting him in the back of the head. Satisfied, I stand up with my hands on my hips. "So, what did we learn today?" I ask, a smug grin on my face.

"Not to jump over people." He mumbles, rubbing the back of his head.

Behind him, Eren and a few others are clapping and I take a dramatic bow before turning around and heading back to my stuff. I'm greeted by Connie and Sasha running over, my stuff in their arms as they yell my name. I smile at my friends; Connie has been my best friend since middle school, and Sasha was my assigned roommate last year and we became quick friends, opting to dorm together again this year.

"We thought you were dead!" Sasha wails as she flops onto the ground having reached me.

"Dumbass, we saw her chasing Jean, don't be so dramatic." Connie snaps at her, falling onto the ground alongside her. I turn back to the others, rolling my eyes as Connie and Sasha are panting trying to catch their breath.

It's a couple of people I've seen around with Jean, but don't know personally. Eren comes over, still stifling his laughs. "I'm Eren. That was very impressive." He says, holding out a hand.

whatcha listening to? -armin arlertWhere stories live. Discover now