thirty seven

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Armin's arm wraps lazily yet comfortably around my shoulders as we watch the movie I had picked, Dazed and Confused, as it's one of my favorites. We're in his dorm, Eren and Mikasa having left nearly immediately after our little ice skating excursion. Armin had somehow adjusted the LED lights of the room to match the hue of whatever scene was projected onto the wall, often shrouding us in jewel tones of purples and blues, occasionally washed in dark greens.

"Is there a plot to this movie?" He asks from beside me, and I sigh at the umpteenth question he's asked about our current activity.

"Yes and no. But that's the magic of it. Just life, even for one night." I answer, pressing my weight against his side to assert my toleration of his questions.

"But what is it about?"

"Just kids being dumb. One night of normal life within a potential many of turbulence."

"I like that."

"Then watch, silly." I reply, smiling to myself at his commentary.

"I'm trying, but you said we would talk later."

"I did, didn't I?"

"It's later." Armin says with a quick squeeze to my shoulders, and at the insistence in his voice, I know the movie will have to wait.

"It certainly is." I reply, reaching over to his laptop to pause the movie as I'm closer, only to be met with a hum in response.

"I didn't like seeing that guy talk to you." Armin blurts out, withdrawing his arm from around me despite me pushing my body even closer to his.

"Understandable, but I promise, you have nothing to worry about." I answer, reasoning with his apprehension despite my solid loyalty to him.

"I, uh, know we've only been together for a week. Or so, I guess. Less than that, even." Armin trails off, leaving me to suppress a smile at his awkward affection.

"Correct, and I agreed to be your girlfriend, that short time ago."

"It feels like it's been longer."

"It has. Anyway, when I agreed to be your girlfriend, unwavering loyalty was something that I had promised. Even if not explicitly verbally communicated." I reassure him as I look to the ceiling, feeling his body relax behind me in a deep breath.

"I trust you, I just don't trust others." He says, and the sorrow in his tone is enough to tear the smile from my face immediately, causing me to turn to face him.

"Armin, there's no need to trust in others when I'm right here telling you how I feel." I start, my voice taking a rather desperate tone. Whether it's in an effort to get through to him or in my own frustration, I'm unsure, but I hold my confidence nonetheless. "I'm yours."


"I- uh, I'm yours. You don't have to worry about anyone else coming in and ruining that."


"I didn't think I'd find someone who understands me the way you do, besides Connie of course, but that's different. You just get me, so how could I just go ahead and abandon that?"


"I'm getting ahead of myself, but you have nothing to worry about regarding my own feelings or anyone else's intentions." I conclude my rant with a sharp inhale, Armin's shocked expression meeting my own in my blatant display of emotion. I now sat on my knees, completely turned around to face him, but unable to meet his eyes at my outburst.

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