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"What the fuck?" I groan as I roll over in bed, trying to block out the sound of someone's fist on my door.

"I know, right." Sasha snaps as she stands up to answer the door. I sit up to check the time on my phone, finding it's 7am.

"Good morning!" Connie sings as he walks through the open door, just wearing pajama pants.

"Connie! Why are you waking us up this early? I don't have class until ten today!" I shout at him as he writes 74 on the whiteboard.

"Check your email silly. The campus network went down so classes are canceled for today." He replies.

"Okay, but you still didn't have to wake us up at seven in the morning, dickhead." Sasha snaps again as she gets back into bed.

"I guess, I was just so excited. Let's go out to breakfast!" Connie says, bouncing up and down.

"Go out to breakfast?" I question.

"Yeah! In town. Hurry up and get ready!" He answers.

"Y'know what? I'm down. Give me like 30 minutes to shower and get ready?" I reply as I get out of bed and grab my shower caddy.

"Bet, should I see if anyone else wants to go?"

"Nah, Connie. It's too damn early." I answer.

"Exactly. I'm going back to sleep, you two have fun though." Sasha mumbles from her bed.

"Alright. Text me when you're ready, (Y/N)." Connie says, holding the door open for me as I head down the hall to shower.


"So, have you texted Armin or Floch?" Connie asks as we walk through town. I asked him to park in a lot at the edge of town so I could enjoy the walk, but it's proving to be the wrong decision as the wind whips my wet hair around.

"Nah, I fell asleep as soon as we got back." I reply.

"Do it now. I'm serious. The sooner, the better." He says, and I huff as I pull out my phone.

"Ew, look at what Floch set his contact as." I say, as I show Connie my phone.

floch <3

"Nasty, you just met the guy." Connie says, rolling his eyes.

"I know. How does this sound?" I ask as I think about what to say. "Thank you for the offer last night, but I'd like to stay friends rather than go on a date."

"Sounds good to me, now send it." I follow Connie's instructions, before going to Armin's messages.

"Should I just ask him if he has plans today?" I ask Connie, glaring at the 'read' notification from my last message to Armin.

"Sure. He shouldn't though, with everything being canceled." He replies.

"Alright, that's it then. Thank you. I thought I'd be better at this stuff." I say, frowning.

"I think you're doing pretty good, it's a lot of stuff you haven't dealt with before. Plus, that's why I'm here." He says as he grabs my shoulder and squeezes. "Let's eat here, I've never been here before."


After our meal, we're walking around town again and window shopping. It's only 8:30, so most places aren't open yet and the streets are quiet. We're caught in conversation about our friends, before my phone starts buzzing in my pocket.

floch <3

"Should I answer it?" I ask Connie, showing him the screen.

"Yeah, put it on speaker." He replies. With that, I take a breath and answer the call.

whatcha listening to? -armin arlertWhere stories live. Discover now