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By: BE✩

A beautiful day here, the stars are out in a beautiful pattern as of now with approximately 7 stars to be seen shooting by, a lucky day to even say, perhaps the perfect day. Now what day was it? They stood moving away from the large window to go over to the wall with magic shifting around and constellations all across it, studying it to see it said December 11 20XX, Oh goodness, it truly is a special day, it is his little ones birthday. The little ones first real birthday of being in the state they are now unlike last year, Perhaps they can do something special for there little one, which they got just the thing in mind.

They then got up, using magic across themselves to then get into a more proper outfit, leaving the room and going to the one across being protected by two strong beings who stood straight as they went by, which he took a moment to greet them and allow them to go and relax now before entering the room, there was there little ones laying and sleeping peacefully in a small bubble of magic to keep there little ones safe and comforted. There little young stars, sleeping peacefully cuddled to the other feeling comfortable by one another with no harm to get them. They then carefully removed the magic while putting there hand out to catch both them that yet fit in the palm of their hand being all so small compared to themselves, no harm to get to them as long as they were here now.

Can then watch as one of there little stars slowly wake up, still holding onto the other in a tired manner while looking a bit around then up to them, all so young and still trying to understand but what they do understand is it is there parent here for them that is making the small star reach out as they do when they see something they want. Carefully they used there other hand to move there finger near to let the little star hold onto it as much as they desired, 'pacífico y dulce' as they would say this behaviour is. "Good morning my young star, Today is a special day for you both, that is if the other decides to wake for such a day." They carefully moved there hand in a way to not disturb the awoken young star to gently see how the other is being all so gentle but yet seems they yet still slept, perhaps it is yet too early for the other little star or they yet aren't feeling the need to just yet, but there isn't a rush now for they are still so young.

Then they carefully got the one woken little star to let go for a moment so they can use there magic carefully to get the yet still sleeping one to be protected by magic again and to be comfortable within that now before they put there one hand a bit back letting the woken little star hold onto there finger once again as much as desired. "Don't worry now my young star, your sibling will have time to see it, I believe you may love to see such a sight that you may remember despite how little you may be." They yet explained, although they may not get the words they say but may get the meaning at least, a meaning they yet may be smart in some way to understand, takes on that smartness from themselves truly. They then began to leave the room now going on out from there closing the door carefully with some magic as they kept hold of there little star that is in there hand holding onto now one the fingers on it just cuddling it as much as ever, such a small star that is all so harmless just as one wished them to be and not like another they know. They went onward, going by some strong beings requesting for them to keep watch for the other that still yet sleeps which they agreed to and went onward to there, which is nice knowing the other little star will be safe as well.

They continued onward, they tend to like to study while they make there way to there looking for new details that could be there that yet they haven't seen, perhaps a speck of dust that wasn't there before or a crack that wasn't yet there after so long but yet for how long they have been here it's like they seen it all, so it's best to focus as well on there one little star who is cuddling there finger, such a innocent star who yet may have to face some the horrors this world has but yet they already prepared for such a thing like that which should help there little star go through it all, it's a hope it does very well work that is.

Continuing onward have made there way to the very top of this very place designed in such a way to not only protect but be suitable to live in especially for themselves but now in some way as well for there little stars to remain safe, looking then to the sky and beginning to float up to it that began to reveal more and more stars with the stardust surrounding all around as can see distant galaxies unheard of to many all having colouration's one would imagine within a painting full of purples,blues,pinks all in different shades and colliding to create colours either heard of or unknown to the eyes of some with thousands of stars to complete this canvas this universe is.

They then carefully looked down to there little star who seemed to still hold there finger but was yet looking around a bit not understanding what is yet going on but has such a young curiosity of it all already wanting to understand just like how they do for such things. "My little star, For you and your siblings birthday I would take you to see this after so long, it may have been only of ones dreams but now you can truly face it. A whole galaxy that you can admire that is like looking into trillions of universes that are mere stars. Which may not mean a lot to you now, but it may grow to be a comfort for you and your sibling." They explained even though knowing they wont get it, but maybe when they are of age may have such memories of such a thing and understand it if they do remember the words they very well say, but of course it's a hope that very thing too.

There little star seemed to hold onto there finger to help them sit up now to look to it all in curiosity and confusion before beginning to laugh now as they watched it which can guess they must be laughing at the few shooting stars that go by, it is a silly concept almost, a star shooting across the sky people decide to take a wish upon on, When it's a star that may have died like how a universe can go forgotten of and crumble parts falling down across the spacious sky. They always saw it as more of a sign of death but life is to form after, to gift a hope that the life created is pleasant and doesn't experience a sort of suffering from any other lives there is that do exist, maybe that's the magic of some things.

Till a peculiar sight is yet formed coming across the sky but in a slow manner, a pastel purple coloured star shooting down slowly with a red one following beside it falling behind shooting down with it, a rare sight to bestow upon that yet has caught the interest of there little star. "Those two stars are rare my little star, they are not frequent to show for they come once every seven years here while for other universes it has yet never really happened or has happened once. These two stars some consider to be siblings playing tag, the Purple Leader and the Red Follower, when one goes one direction the other follows staying by one another's side. Which is quite like you and your sibling my little star." They now looked down to their little star who looked curiously at all of this watching the stars go by slowly before vanishing slowly across the sky, which they cannot blame for as well for it is a sight quite lucky to see.

They stared at it all with there little star, watching stars go by and watching the stardust move slowly across the sky like clouds as each star twinkles in a beautiful way that yet really absorbs both there attentions to such a sight like this. Soon then they looked to there little star who was enjoying it all then seemed they were yet growing hungry for can tell for there slight biting that is on there finger that felt like a meer pinch to them, which they got the hint as they lowered to the ground now carefully back to the home they live at to see one the loyal beings there was waiting for them, once down they were informed how there sibling was yet getting hungry too for how they were yet crying in such a manner, as usual of course they would get hungry at the same time.

While they walked onward to begin to head there with the being following with to help guide the way or simply keep guard, they looked to there little star who was still nomming on there finger but then looked to them now in curiosity, making them give a gentle look back to them. "Happy birthday my little star, now how about we show your sibling this gift as well?..." saying that they watched there little star not understand but laughed a bit because of them talking, clear they do not understand for how they yet laughed but they weren't hurt. A truly special day, a day for there two little ones who yet aren't aware of there destiny, it's even a wonder what they will become overtime, but let's hope they will be willing there little stars to accept such a destiny like this.


Characters by: BE✩
 Universe by: BE✩

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