Chapter Seven

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its me

im back

with emduo

:D enjoy

TWs: mentions of nonconsenual drug use & mentions of torture (no worse than any of the previous chapters)

apologies for any grammatical errors or rough patches, I churned out this all in one day and my brain melted halfway through so :D yeah enjoy lmao


"Blood God and the escort are at the SBI Department. Requesting security clearance for Door Four at the West Elevator."

Void wasted no time with the command, despite the practically palpable restlessness he stood with. The orbs around him–a device that seemed integrated into his skin itself, following him around and never separating farther than a foot from his form–rose and fell with his short breaths, giving away the tension he hid with the blindfold over his eyes. Radiate, to his side, did little to differ. It was only now that Techno truly placed how young they must be, and not just from their far-from-stocky build.

The two heroes acted as though they could read one-anothers' thoughts. It was an engraved reliance that no training could fully erase; the kind of codependence that only came with people who had grown up together, who had seen both sides the grim world had to offer. But while they operated like deadly twins, the way the shorter pitched-down his voice whenever he spoke–and the way the taller hunched his shoulders, as though an invisible weight was crushing his spine–gave their age away.

No, these two were young. Teenagers.

At the age of twenty, they reminded Techno of himself.

Maybe it was the silent ferociousness in the glare that Radiate shot him, hands gripping the chains around his wrists like he was leashing a wild beast. Or the calculation that Void studied their surroundings with, hand reaching for one of those always-moving orbs. A weapon of sort, Techno assumed. Likely something mild, but something that could still prove deadly, if he were placed on guard duty for such a serious case.

The thought almost made him smile. As much as Schlatt had attempted to hide it, play it off as though the Agency was the one in power, he knew that he was still feared here. A part of him wondered how many of these twos' friends he had killed to make them send such murderous looks his way.

The voices quite liked that thought.

We can add them to the list.

They should know their place.

Never forget yours.

You are better.

Wait for the right moment.

They were now back to their usual level of volume, thankfully. If Techno had to deal with another second of their hysteria, their mind-numbing fear , he thought his head would combust.

He didn't want to think about that. Why they were so afraid of Schlatt.

After all, how could he? His awaiting fate was far more pressing than an insolvable mystery.

"Clear," finally came the response from Void's watch. The hero in question nodded, even though Techno was certain that the person on the other end couldn't hear him. "Achreon has arrived. You are free to enter, but please exit the premises immediately afterwards. The Director has new instructions for you."

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