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Egyn was a son of Satan. That was not in question. However, what was, were the number of so-called half-siblings populating both Assiah and Gehenna. Egyn was a middle child and he used it to his advantage.

His older and younger half-siblings were split into two factions, appropriately named Assiah and Gehenna. His immediate younger brother Samael was a principal of Assiah's number one exorcist school, True Cross Academy. His oldest half-brother, Lucifer was the Commander in Chief of the Illuminati; an organization leading Gehennians to Assiah to take over the human populace.

Samael was know to bribe favors from his half-siblings from time to time while Lucifer outright expect everyone to be on his side, on their father's side. Egyn was smart. He crafted a childish, fearful persona to trick everyone around him. It wasn't too difficult given his tiny three and a half foot stature. Lucifer put him in charge of the Illuminati's Assistant Director of the Airborne Lab. His persona was able to fool every one of his siblings except Samael. Samael was by no means stupid. He viewed everything as a game and played along accordingly, never outing his persona.

Now, after hundreds of years building up his facade and planning, it was all finally paying off.


Egyn stood in front of Southern Cross Boys' Monastery. Earlier that night His youngest half brothers, Rin and Yukio Okumura were born. Born of a human woman and Satan. Egyn walked around the building until he peered into a window. Two cribs were in the room with boxes. Twin baby boys lay in each crib. Egyn turned himself into water and slipped into the room through the window sill. With Fujimoto Shirou in charge of the monastery, one would assume there would be better security to ward off demons much less a Demon King.

He made his way over to Rin's crib and carefully lifted the baby into his arms. Rin was already awake so the two stared at each other. Blue, the same shade as the deepest part of the bluest ocean. Egyn carefully shifted the baby to one arm and tapped his forehead with his claw. Rin was put to sleep and gently placed back in his crib.

Egyn traversed through the monastery until he entered a room piled high with junk. The Koma Sword, Kurikara was the only item not caked in dust. Egyn took the blade and slung it over his shoulder. Then went back for Rin.


Egyn stood outside the Monastery with Kurikara over his shoulder and a newborn Rin in his arms, swaddled tightly. Rin slept soundly and Egyn toyed with the tiny tuft of navy blue hair that adorned Rin's head.

Egyn - "Honestly. To imagine human priests' to raise a Nephilim child. How absurd. Rin will be raised on Akumara Beach where he will grow into his heritage and learn to control his power. To seal away a demon's power like this is ludicrous and would only come back to haunt you. As my child now, I rechristen you here and now as Shizoku Rin, son of the Demon King of Water, Egyn."

The Koma Sword was snapped in half and left on the monastery's doorstep and a portal composed mainly of water appeared behind the father and son.

Egyn - "Sleep well, my Prince of Water."

Egyn left through the portal as the monastery doors burst open.

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573 words 

Note, in my headcannon, the demon kings are ranked in terms of strength and age. Oldest to youngest.

Lucifer = Oldest; Tied for most powerful

Iblis = Second oldest; Third most powerful

Azazel = Third oldest; Fourth most powerful

Astaroth = Fourth Oldest; Fifth Weakest

Egyn = Middle Child; Second most powerful

Suzie/Mephisto = First youngest; Tied for most powerful

Amaimon = Second youngest; Tied for third weakest

Beelzebub = Third Youngest;  Fourth Weakest

Rin = Youngest (By a few minutes); Tied for third Weakest

Yukio = (By a few minutes) Youngest; Weakest

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