Chapter 6; Séan and Yukio

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Séan was buzzing with excitement. It was finally the weekend, Rin was spending the day with his father, and he got permission to bring Yukio to Akamaru for the day. He was looking forward to everything he had planned. Séan finished all his weekend homework. He held the magic key in hand and waited for Yukio. He would come back in five, foure, three, two -

Yukio - "I'm home!"

Séan - "KiKi!"

Séan bounced on the balls of his feet.

Yukio - "Hey Séan."

Séan - "Come on KiKi! We're going to Akamaru for the day! I got permission for the both of us from Mr. Shizoku and Mr. Pheles. I finished all my weekend homework, wrote my paper for the cram class, and already told everyone that we'll be away for the day! Any excuse you have to not go -"

Yukio - "Okay."

Séan - "I have already...what?"

Yukio - "I'll gladly go to Akamaru with you. I've been feeling a little cooped up and I didn't have the opportunity to really explore Akamaru the last time I was there. Besides, you already did everything I would've insisted on doing so let's go."

Séan's brain was buffering while Yukio covered his smile of endearment. Séan was just too cute.

Séan perked right up with an excited grin when his brain and thoughts caught up. He quickly led Yukio to the door of their room and unlocked the door.

The beautiful sun and spray of seawater greeted Yukio as he stepped out. Akamaru was much more lively than the last time he was there. Mephisto most likely planned it so they would arrive on the island's trip to the mainland. Akamaru was a beautiful place.

The population wasn't much, maybe around fifty or eighty people, but they all looked happy and content. Half of the adults looked to be human while the other half were most certainly demons in a more human form or in their true form by their spouse. There were demon/human couples, demon/demon couples, human/human couples, and (Yukio guessed) nephilim/human nephilim/demon couples.

Séan - "Akamaru is kind've an urban legend among demons and humans. The legend goes, if you leave a letter with Lord Egyn's seal in an unregistered mailbox in an abandoned church, a few days later you will meet him and he will take you to a safe haven for demons and humans. Those who try to falsely lure out the Demon King of Water will face severe repercussions. In reality, the "unregistered mailbox" is for a church who is on very good terms with Mr. Shizoku. Mr. Shizoku provides the church with protection from more malevolent demons and the other demon kings and the church will host the children on the island with a summer retreat two weeks in the summer."

Yukio - "Alright, give me the grand tour, fish boy."

Sean smirked and held out his arm. Yukio snickered and linked his arm with Sean's. Sean started the tour by walking down the sandstone and brick pathway to the central plaza. Everyone was out and about. Stalls handing out fish and different kinds of meat for cloth and other materials.

Sean - "If you remember, Akamaru runs on trade. The residents trade amongst each other for food and essentials or even trinkets and cool stuff we find in the ocean. There's stalls for fresh fish, stalls for preserved fish and meats, stalls for fruits and vegetables, cooked meal packs for the families who don't feel like cooking, and there's others who provide other kinds of services. We're actually about to meet a family friend."

Sean led Yukio further down the plaza, more toward the cooler, shadier area of the island. Large palm trees covered an open doored hut. A muscled man, who looked middle-aged was lounging on a chair with a hat tilted over his eyes. Yukio was in awe. From his lower abdomen down, was a massive and thick snake's tail.

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