Chapter 11 - Appearances

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After they'd eaten lunch, Hermione suggested to Harry, "We should work on homework for a few hours, and then enjoy the rest of the day."

"All right," agreed Harry, and they both left the table and went upstairs. Harry said, "I've got to do some divination homework, and I know you don't have that subject, so I'll be in my room."

"Why are you taking that rubbish?" asked Hermione.

Harry sighed, "It's not entirely rubbish, Hermione."

Hermione's ears went pink, but she looked determinately into her boyfriend's eyes. "Maybe it's possible to have glimpses of the future like Sirius talked about and you witnessed during your final exam. The only trouble is that it had nothing to do with a tea leaf or a crystal ball or any of that rubbish Professor Trelawney talks about! While the concept of seeing into the future may not be entirely rubbish, the methods you learn in the subject are!"

Harry frowned. "You know, you're right. I was just beginning to think that there might be something to the subject, but that's exactly right. She wasn't using any of that stuff! I wish I could drop the subject, but then I wouldn't have enough classes for my schedule. Why did I have to sign up for the same classes as Ron last year?"

"I'm sure that Professor McGonagall would allow you to switch subjects. She'd understand you wanting to stop taking divination."

"But I wouldn't be able to, Hermione," argued Harry, aggravated, "I'm a year behind in every subject I could take!"

"I could teach you," suggested Hermione calmly.

Harry gazed at her. "A year's worth of lessons in a few months. I know you're brilliant and could handle that, but I'm not."

"First of all, Harry, I don't think I'm so much smarter than you! You just don't apply yourself in anything but defense. Secondly, I didn't say I could teach you everything. I could teach you enough to pass one of the final exams I took a few weeks ago, and then help you during the year to catch up on anything we missed. If you'll write Professor McGonagall, I'm willing to do it. Just pick the subject. Since I'm not continuing muggle studies, I won't be able to help you much next year, so that leaves ancient runes and arithmancy."

"Truthfully," said Harry, "I don't have a clue what either one of those subjects even is."

"Well," explained Hermione, "Arithmancy is a type of wizard math…"

"Math? No thanks," replied Harry.

"Then ancient runes it is," declared Hermione enthusiastically. "It's really fascinating, Harry. You get to learn how wards were created to protect special locations like the pyramids! You can even learn to create wards yourself. I'm sure you'll like it once we get past the basics!"

Harry smiled. "I know I'll enjoy watching how excited you get talking about it. All right. I'll write a letter to McGonagall to see if she'll approve. She'll probably make me take a test to get in the class."

Hermione beamed at her boyfriend. "All right, send that letter, and then we'll get my book from last year."


About fifteen minutes later, Harry had just sent Hedwig out with his letter, and the young couple was entering the Granger library.

"Remember how I told you that my magic books were hidden?" asked Hermione with a smirk.

"Yes," answered Harry. "I guess you're gonna show me where now."

"Uh-huh," she responded, grabbing his hand and pulling him to the wall opposite the door. "Come on."

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