Chapter 35 - Time Flies

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Over the course of the next week, most of the school seemed subdued, especially the Gryffindors of Seamus' year. Dean really seemed depressed since they were best friends.

As Harry made his way to the hospital wing to visit Hermione, he found himself feeling guilty for not really missing Seamus much. He felt bad that Seamus died, but was relieved that Hermione had lived.

He wasn't surprised when the announcement that there would be no more Hogsmeade visits was made, but he didn't like seeing aurors walking around Hogwarts. There weren't that many – he'd counted five in the whole school. He just wasn't happy that the times demanded extra security. Most of them didn't say anything to him, but a few stared at his scar the first time they saw him. As much as he wished they weren't at Hogwarts, part of him was glad that there was always one guarding the hospital wing.

He nodded at the guard, opened the door and walked straight up to Hermione's bed to find she was awake and absorbed with a very large book.

"I don't think Madam Pomfrey would approve of that heavy lifting," he commented, startling his girlfriend.

"Oh, hi, Harry. This book isn't heavy. I just thought I'd do…"

"A bit of light reading?" he asked with a smirk, earning a quick glare. "I'm sorry. How are you feeling?"

She sighed. "Physically, fine. But I'm going stir crazy. I need to get up and go outside in the fresh air. I need to get back to our training. How have you been able to stand staying here when you've had to?"

"It's difficult; I understand. How long has she sentenced you to stay in this jail, anyway?"

Sighing, Hermione answered, "Another two days. I told her I'll take it easy, but she wants to be extra careful. Anyway, how are you doing?"

He took her hand. "I miss having you with me most of the time. I miss doing this." He bent down and kissed her lightly. She put a hand on his head to stop him from pulling away as she began deepening the kiss.

"Mr. Potter," came Madam Pomfrey's voice from behind them. They broke apart immediately. "Being allowed to visit patients does not include snogging them."

"It should," he replied with a smirk. "It would help the patients feel better."

"Snogging as therapy," said Hermione with faraway look in her eyes. "I think Harry and I should do a study."

"I don't," replied Poppy as the young couple started laughing. "Shouldn't you be headed off to class, now?"

"No, my next class isn't for over a half-hour."

"Maybe you should go there early."

"Fine," responded Harry, knowing he wouldn't win an argument with Madam Pomfrey. He turned to Hermione. "I'll see you later. Don't do that study with anybody else."

She giggled. "I won't as long as you visit me later."

"Deal. I'll bring Ron, Luna, Ginny, and Neville with me." He took her hand and held it for a moment. "Take care of yourself."


Hermione was released from the Hospital Wing the day before the second task, and they spent as much time as possible 'conducting their study' despite the fact that Hermione was recovered and they couldn't take notes in broom closets. Harry repeatedly affirmed that "it's all for research." They did take time out to train so Hermione could get back to it before she was out of shape. Things had gotten back to normal, and the students were excited about the tournament again.


Hand-in-hand, Harry and Hermione walked to the lake with everyone else on February 24th to watch the second task of the Triwizard Tournament. Ron, Luna, Neville and Ginny were with them. As was now usual, a few aurors were present.

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