chapter 3 - going shopping

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"What do you mean, 'us?' The prophecy is just about me," asked Harry.

Hermione looked at him exasperatedly. "I mean 'us,' because I end up involved in almost all your adventures, whether I'm properly trained or not!"

Harry put his head down. "I guess you do. Maybe I should…"

"DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!" yelled Hermione.

"Think about what?" asked Harry.

"Ditching your friends to try and protect us," answered Hermione. "I know that's what you were thinking. Even Sirius knows you can't do that. He told you to ask for help!"

Harry put his hands up in surrender. "Okay, us. I suppose we should tell Ron, too."

"That's probably a good idea," agreed Hermione happily, "but first, I think we should come up with a plan. Before we do that, though, I think we should inspect Sirius' house. I'd suggest we go there immediately. Maybe we can ask mum and dad to take us there."

"Er," replied Harry, "Actually, it might be dangerous for muggles to go to a wizarding house that's been abandoned for years."

Hermione put her hand on her forehead. "How could I be so stupid? After Lupin taught us about all those dangerous magical creatures! No wonder you did better than me in defense! Mum and dad wouldn't even be able to handle a boggart! Do you have any suggestions?"

"Actually," responded Harry, "it's kind of a bumpy ride, but it would probably be best to take the Knight Bus. I've got a few Galleons on me. Maybe we can go to Diagon Alley so I can get more. I'd like to get some new clothes."

She smiled at Harry, "I thought I was supposed to be the smart one. That's a good idea. I'll go downstairs and ask mum and dad." Hermione then turned around and walked out of the room with Harry following behind him.

They went downstairs to find Mr. and Mrs. Granger sitting on the couch, watching TV. Hermione walked in front of them and asked, "Mum, dad, Harry and I want to take the wizarding bus and go shopping. Is that okay with you?"

"Harry getting his own wardrobe?" asked Marissa.

Hermione nodded. "He inherited enough money from his parents to get nice clothes, but he can't let the Dursleys find out."

"They'd probably find a way to steal it for their 'ittle Dudleykins," commented Harry bitterly.

"Judging by what I saw this morning, you're probably right," agreed Adam. "How could that Professor Dumbledore leave you with them?"

"I don't know," answered Harry, "but I don't plan to go back."

"Okay," responded Marissa, "You can go. It's one o'clock now. Just be back by seven."

"Thanks, mum."

"Here's some money so you can buy yourself something as well," said Adam, handing Hermione some money out of his wallet.


A few minutes later, Harry and Hermione were outside and just stepping onto the Knight Bus. "Hello, Harry," greeted Stan, "Who's your girlfriend?"

Both teenagers blushed. "Hermione's my best friend," replied Harry, "not my girlfriend."

"Then why are you holding hands?"

"Look Stan, we'd like to go to Number Twelve Grimmauld Place," said Harry, changing the topic.


After a rather bumpy ride, they found themselves standing in front of the House of Black for the first time. It had dirty walls, grimy windows, and a battered door. They gaped at it.

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