4:hanging out

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Rebecca's pov:
I woke up to see the television on and Ariana sleeping beside me, I didn't want to wake her so I got up quitley and went downstairs.

I greeted my mum and went to the kitchen to make breakfast, I decided to make pancakes, I made the mix and decided on two for me and two for Ariana, Once they were done I put them on plates and got the syrup and two glasses of orange juice and went to wake up Ariana .
"Ari, wake up I made pancakes" I shook her and she groaned "wait did you say pancakes" I chuckeled and nodded, She jumped up "I'm up, I'm up where are the pancakes" I laughed and told her " Come downstairs to have breakfast" she nodded and we walked downstairs to have breakfast.

After we were done, I made my way upstairs to take a quick shower , brushed my teeth and got into my outfit of the day.
I wore high wasted dark blue jean shorts with a white top that says in black 'I'm not wierd' and under it 'I'm limited edition' in dark blue and wore my creme coloured cardigan.
I decided to leave my hair in it's normal wavy look and put on skull earrings with matching necklace, Then put on some eyeliner and went downstairs.

I saw Ari on her phone after she hang up she told me she had to go home "okay, bye mum. Becca I have to go home mum wants me" " okay, bye, tell her I said hi" and with that she left. My phone beeped.
I opened it to find a text from Zayn asking me if i wanted hang out today, " Mum, Can I hang out with a friend today?" " Yes sure honey but don't be late".

I texted him telling him that I can he replied with ' okay I'll pick you up in 5 xx' I got up and put on my vans and heared a car horn outside, I said bye to mum and left.

I got into the passenger seat " hey, you look good" he said, " thanks you do too" I replied. He smiled and started driving in silence but not an awkward one, he turned on the radio " where are we going ?" I asked, "We're going to the park" I nodded and started humming softly with the radio.

Zayn's pov: (don't get used to it )

She looked beautiful, she started humming softly with the radio, she wasn't singing but you could tell that she had a beautiful voice.

We arrived at the park and went inside, " race ya to the swings" she said and took off running, I ran after her and then she shouted " I won, I won" " hey, no fair" I pouted, she chuckled and said " sorry buddy but this is life" I chuckled as well and then I saw an ice cream shop not so far away.

" hey let's go to the ice cream shop there" I said, she nodded and then started running " ugh, you are so energetic for me" I said, she giggled and shouted back " actually, I'm usually the lazy one " after what seemed like hours of running we reached the shop and went inside, " what flavour do you want ?" I asked her as we went to order.

She ordered cherry vanilla, while I got strawberry. She sgafted to take money out of her purse, I quickly paid and dragged her to the table, " you didn't have to pay for me" she said. "I wanted too" I replied. We started eating our ice cream and talked. After we were done we went back to the park and sat on the swings and talked and then I told her " you know , I am gonna audition for the X-factor" she smiled and said "really, that's great, when?" "Soon" I replied. We talked a little bit more and had fun then I took her back home and she thanked me and got into her house.
I realized something,

I think I like Rebecca Gilbert.

A/n I know they auditioned for the X-factor at younger age but it's called fanfiction for a reason any way here's the chaoter and i hope you like it, I love ya'll. And the song doesn't have anything to do with the chapter.

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