3. glimpse into the past

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𝙒𝙄𝙎𝙏𝙀𝙍𝙄𝘼 𝙋𝙊𝙄𝙎𝙊𝙉╰┈➤ chapter 3 : ꗃ

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╰┈➤ chapter 3 : ꗃ

Y/N quickly walks away, skipping over some stones that has been there for design — passing through the beautiful scenery without caring to stop to stare.

She was quick on her feet when she entered the halls, she did not want to experience it all over again — it was always there but she had to compose herself.

She thought she had escaped, no one could escape the monster that lurked around these halls and walls. It annoyed her, he annoys her.

If she could've accepted his requests of creating poisons and potions for a quick death she would've done it, really — but he was important around the dark halls.

"Y/N-chan!" She stiffens before dashing forward, in a quick pace that would leave the mere boy panting to catch up with her.

'Why does he follow me? Leave me alone please.' She pleads to no one, her older sister Kanae was out on a mission and she was left with the demon or so she proclaims.

She doesn't know the halls and the every crook and cranny of this place, she's only here to follow her older sister and to make sure she's safe.

"Why are you hiding from me?" And to think she would be able to escape from the male was a mistake on her part, unlike her he knew every crook cranny in the whole building, giving him advances and more chances to find her with shortcuts around the corners that he knew.

"I'm not hiding, I'm straight up avoiding you." The female says with a crooked smile— brow twitching as she once again failed to leave and enjoy her life without being pestered by the taller male. "You wound me." He remarks, not serious.

"I try." She says and then clearing her throat, looking up at the male who towered over her much smaller frame. "You're hilarious, Y/N-chan."

She stares at him, deadpanning as she presses fingertips against her temples and rubbed at them. "I wasn't trying to— ah, nevermind." She shrugs it off, wanting away from the male.

"I'll see you later." She bows before speeding away, only to hear annoying footsteps right behind her — of course it was him.

"Why not now? You aren't busy." He hums, wondering why she was always so...miffed around him. "I am busy." She replied.

"And with what exactly?" He stalks behind her, not far off from her pace. "I'm creating a new type of poison in my office." She remarks.

He made a blegh sound, expressing his obvious boredom. "Sounds super boring! Just let me be the taste tester and that's the fun part." He grins.

"I'll have to decline."  She starts walking a bit faster this time, still his long legs caught on.

"How about if you make a poison with the affects that will take a while for it to ensue?" A finger was on his chin like a thinking expression.

"No. I don't want to kill you." She says.

"Wow, really?? I thought you might have those kinds of thoughts since you're always so edge and miffed around me—" he gasps, grabbing her attention.

"Mhm?" She tilts her head at his sudden expression — a shocked dazed expression.

"These are the kinds of things that happens in romance novels, you're totally into me! You're just playing hard to get." He exclaims.

Y/N stares at Dazai, a forced smile on her face as her left brow twitched as well as her eye a visible tick mark on the bottom of her cheek.

"Ah, is that what you think this is?" She says, arms crossed below her chest. "This is what I think it is." He smirks. "Well sorry to burst your bubble you hopeless romantic but I'm nowhere into you."

She smiles softly at him, whilst she said those — nevertheless the boy; Dazai Osamu had merely shrugs and scoffed.

"If you are going to say it like that, you should've shown me frown or a glare. I like you better when you are angry." He pauses, gauging her reaction.

He hopes he doesn't have to get used to it, that'd be a nightmare. Y/N doesn't react to his words much besides let out a sigh and stares right back at him.

"And don't call a hopeless romantic, it ruins my aesthetic." The boy mumbles, brows furrowed as he tilts his head to the side before he thinks to himself.

'I don't do love, I'm not worthy of it.' The teen thinks all to himself as he gauges the females reaction.

"I know, so don't think I'm into you too." Y/N spat, brows furrowed as she had to look up and strain her neck. "Oh yeah? And why's that?"

"How I act around you? I act like that to everyone, you'll know if I like you one day, which is impossible." She smiles and then dashed off.

Leaving the male alone as his brows were furrowed and his head tilted to the side, it had been a good year and a half since he's known her yet she doesn't speak about herself more on her sister and her poisons she creates.

'What does she mean by that?' He thinks to himself as he walks down the halls, boredom rising in him since his only entertainment had left. His gaze dark and dreary per usual as he takes his usual steps in the cold eerie building.

He opens his office door and shuts it, walking towards his desk chair and plopping himself down on it — a darken expression on his face as he leans up and stares at the ceiling with his visible eye.

'Would she act differently around people she admires?' He thinks to himself, not aware that he was opening up a book and reading it, his visible eye was concentrated to the pages and the words of the book yet nothing sinks in. He wasn't paying attention.

'How does she treat everyone else?' He sighs, leaning his chin to the palm of his hand, the bandages on his wrists never coming off or threatening to.

'Would she act differently to me if I wasn't me?' He thinks once more.

He looks around his empty office, he was lonely— very much so. He knew it already, it doesn't matter anymore he thinks. He's tired as well, he sighs as he stood up and his fingers ruffle up his own brown tuff of locks.

"I'm annoyed." He mutters to the empty office with no one but him and his thoughts.

╰┈➤ fin 3 : ꗃ

𝙒𝙄𝙎𝙏𝙀𝙍𝙄𝘼 𝙋𝙊𝙄𝙎𝙊𝙉╰┈➤ fin 3 : ꗃ

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2023 ⏰

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