Mall Exploration

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Mommy and Daddy sat next to me as we ate our lunch in the still crowded mall. I happily munched on my chicken nuggets and swung my feet under my chair. "So where do you wanna go after this? I was thinking we could go to the aquarium." Mommy said as she took another bite of her salad.

"That sounds like a good idea, Ochako. What do you think Eri? You wanna go see the fish?" Daddy asked and I nodded to him with a smile as I finished my bite of chicken nugget.

"I think she likes that idea Izuku.'' We finished up our food and started heading out of the restaurant.

However, as we stepped out of the restaurant and into the big group of people I felt myself getting knocked around by the other people, "Daddy! I can't hold on!" I tried to keep my grip on Daddy as the others pushed me away. He turned back but noticed the gap and his eyes widened.

It was then that I lost my grip. The last thing I saw of Mommy and Daddy was him trying to crawl over peoples heads to get to me.

A few minutes went by of people too tall to see me pushing me about. Finally I popped out of the crowd and into another door which landed me on my butt. "Oof." I slowly stood and dusted myself off before looking around.

My eyes shined as I realized I was in a pet shop. "Kittys." I walked over to the displays and started looking around. I looked around at all the different animals and marveled at them for a while. The kitties were so pretty and one of the puppies licked my hand which was the best part.

After a while of looking at the animals I looked outside to see the crowds had all but disappeared. "Maybe I should go find Mommy and Daddy?"

I walked out of the pet shop and looked around for a moment as I walked. The mall was always super fun when Mommy and Daddy would bring me. I walked for a moment before finding a store that caught my eyes. I made my way over to the doors and once again my eyes shined as I looked into the candy store.

Without another thought I walked inside and started wondering about the rows of candy staring at each one. I saw a lot of candies that I usually like and really wanted, but even I know I need money... Which I don't have. I hung my head as i made my way back out to the door. However, as I made it there I noticed something amazing.

The red color, the soft and sweet exterior, the plastic holding me away from it, and it was the most beautiful candy I had ever seen. A candy apple. "You like candy apples?" I turned to the man standing behind the counter and nodded vigorously. He was an old man and had snow white hair. "Then take one, if you like 'em so much have one."

I looked up at the apples before turning back to the man, "Are you sure?"

"Of course! I hope you enjoy it, little lady." I picked up one of the apples and bowed to thank the man.

Next I walked out again and started walking and watching the stores and all the things they had. I reached up and adjusted some of the hair on my face as I took another sweet bite of the candy apple and hummed in delight.

The next shop I found was a toy store that I wandered into. I walked around and admired the toys. I was more focused on the candy apple i was enjoying. My walke continued and I found myself looking at a cute little teddy bear sitting on one of the counters.

I decided then would be a good time to continue to find Mommy and Daddy. As I walked out the door I was stopped by a lady from behind the counter. Again?

"Oh my if you aren't just the most adorable girl in the world. Hear, why don't you have this. It's one of my hand made bears. I hope you like it." She leaned down and handed me the small brown bear.

"Uhm, thank you ma'am."

"Oh and what wonderful manners you have." With that done I left the store with the bear in hand.

Next I walked down to the fountain and took a seat on the edge with my apple in my mouth and the bear in my lap. I sat there for a few minutes munching on the apple until I felt someone sit next to me. I looked up to him and he looked down at me with a nasty grin. "Hey there lit-"

"Deku is my Daddy." he stood, did a quick bow, and quickly walked away.

I continued to eat my apple and watched the people pass me. I decided to keep walking and ended up walking into a kids clothing store for girls. All the dresses were so pretty.

By the time I left, the lady behind the counter had given me two dresses in a bag and they were hanging around my shoulder.

My journey brought me through several shops. And I ended up with three bags of stuff, clothes, candy, and toys scattered throughout them as I walked back toward the fountain. As I walked I saw some police officers walking about as well as some pro heroes.

"I don't care, no one leaves until I find my daughter!" I could hear the yelling from the other side of the fountain.

"Sir please calm down, we have many officers looking for her right now."

As I got closer I could hear crying and it worried me how familiar it was. "Please be ok Eri. Please." I realized the crying was coming from Mommy.

"Mommy, Daddy? What's the matter?" I came out from behind the fountain and when Mommy saw me she bolted to me and grabbed me into a hug.

"Oh sweety! I was so worried when you got separated from us!" She said as she wrapped me up.

"I'm ok Mommy." I said as she cried slightly into my shoulder.

"Snowball, where did you wander off to?" Daddy asked as he walked over and the officers started disappearing. I also noticed the guy from earlier holding his hands up in front of an officer who looked confused.

"I wanted to explore the mall while I looked for you. A bunch of nice people gave me these gifts." I held the bags up and showed them. Mommy looked into the bags.

When she looked up at me she had a soft smile on her face. "Well we'll just have to go and thank them won't we."

Now Daddy stepped over to me and knelt in front of me. "Did anyone hurt you? Did anything strange happen?" He started checking my arms and things to see if I was hurt.

"No, I'm fine! Although this one guy was pretty creepy, when I told him you were my Daddy he ran off. It was kinda funny." I said as I started giggling.

I saw a tick mark on Daddys forehead as he spoke. "Can you tell me who that was?" I pointed over to the guy who was now being handcuffed, but the officers seemed confused. "Oh really. Well he won't be bothering anyone again."

With that said the three of us walked back around and I showed them the shops i had gone to. We thanked the owners who had given me so many things and Daddy offered to pay them back but they said no.

We finished our walk and finally decided to go home. It was a great day today.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2023 ⏰

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