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Hey everyoen, This will be set in the middle ages and Quirks are simply refered to as powers. I hope you enjoy this and for creators who read this, i have a special note for you at the end.

P.O.V. Ochako

I opened my eyes to see the large canopy of my pink bed hanging over me. The sun was shining in just over my eyes, so I pulled my thick blanket over my head and grunted. "Madam, it's time to get up. Your father requests your presence."

I grunted as I looked over to the servant that was trying to wake me. "Fine, will you fetch my outfit while I get up."

"Yes Milady." With that the servant left. I set up in my bed and yawned.

"I wonder what my father wants, it isn't very often that he summons me his early in the morning." I stood and walked over to mt bathing room to see some of the servants preparing the water for me. "You are all excused."

As I spoke they stood and made their way out. I decided to be quick with my bath since I had been summoned. Once I was done I sat in front of my mirror and began to dry myself off, and once I was finished the servant I had sent out earlier returned with my dress, "Thank you, tell my father that I will be to him shortly."

"Yes Milady." She bowed and walked out. I dried by short brown hair and finished dressing myself in my ankle length dress that hugged my figure. Once I was done I fixed my hair so that it was clearly in the bob cut shape. Once I was ready I left my room and made my way through the halls until I made it to the library. As I made my way inside and walked through I scanned for my father and finally found him in the back scanning the shelfs.

"Father? You summoned me?" He turned to me and smiled as he saw me.

"Yes, good morning dear. I hope you slept well?"

"Yes father, of course I am curious as to why you summoned me this early?" His expression changed to one of slight worry.

"Well dear, we have some guests coming to the estate today. I thought you should know since there son is coming. He just celebrated his nineteenth birthday a month ago, so he isn't that much older than you." He stopped as a servant came in and approached us.

"Master, the guest have just arrived at the gate, they will be at the front door in a few minutes." He bowed and left, and I could tell he had become even more worried.

"Is everything ok father?" I asked and he turned to me.

"There earlier than expected, I was telling you this because you will entertain their son for a while. He specifically asked for you to show his son around the estate." As he talked we had begun to hurry to the front in order to receive our guests.

"That doesn't sound so bad, why do you seem worried?" I asked as he opened the front door for me. My question was answered as I saw five horse drawn carriages moving in front of the door with the center one stopping in front of us. The thing that stuck out most was that they were showing the royal colors.

"It's the royal family." as he said that the carriage doors opened to reveal the king himself, his highness King Toshinori Yagi. he was soon followed by his wife Inko and his son. My face flushed as I looked at him, he wore padded leather vest over a cotton shirt and dark pants with and leather handled sword at his waste. Despite how plain he seemed to be dressed you could tell his clothes were made of the finest materials, especially when I spotted his gold ring with the royal crest encircling a deep green emerald.

"Your highness, it is a pleasure to host your family in our humble home." Me and my father bowed as the king approached.

"Please stand my friend, I thought we were close enough to move past that?" My father and I stood, and the king outstretched his hand to shake my fathers.

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