One Plus One Equals Three

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Ochako's P.O.V.

Tired, that's all i could feel right now. Down right exhausted. I had just gotten off work, for which I had to work a double today, and was now walking home. In all honesty I could fall asleep leaning up against a lamp post at this point since I didn't sleep last night since Mochi had kept me up all night, i swear when I find out where that cat gets her energy im going to steal all of it.

The streets were rather empty, not too surprising for ten at night, which both eased my worry and fueled my paranoia. I just had to make it a couple more blocks and i could go to sleep for the next twelve hours since i was off tomorrow. However, luck would not be on my side.

As I was passing a coffee shop that had just closed up for the night, I failed to notice the man locking the door and turning to walk away. And i ran straight into him. "Ow." I said in a drowsy manner as my behind landed hard on the concrete.

"Oh my gosh, i'm so sorry. Are you ok miss?" I looked up to see the green haired man looking down to me with his hand extended to help me up, and looking at him was the worst mistake of my life. I immediately felt my heart pounding as I looked up into his deep green eyes that seemed to pop even though they matched his hair perfectly. I couldn't even form a proper sentence as he helped me to my feet, which was another mistake because as my left foot took on my weight I almost collapsed from pain. I would have had it not been for him. "It looks like you twisted that ankle pretty bad!" He spoke in a panicky state.

"No, i'll be fine after a secon-." I was cut off by trying to muffle the scream from the pain I felt as i tried to stand on it.

"You are not fine, here, my house is just around the corner. Let me take you there and fix up that ankle. It's the least I can do after causing you to fall." I looked up at him and a blush spread across my face as I realized what he had said, and only a moment later did he realize the same. "I-I mean, n-not t-to force y-you. I-its just i-i-i have s-some experience w-with injured ankles."

I giggled at how flustered he seemed to be, He is so cute. "It's ok, if you can fix me up without me having to go to a doctor than you can count me in." I gave him my best smile and noticed he was even redder than he had been.

He wrapped an arm around my back and pulled my left arm over his shoulder so he could support my weight, it was now that I realized how much taller he was than me. Although he seemed to be about my age of twenty-two, twenty-three, and he was very well built. All in all, I had already developed a major crush on him.

We started walking and turned the corner to a street full of townhouses, we walked past three before he turned up the steps of the fourth and started fishing in his pocket for his keys.

Izuku's P.O.V.

OMGOMGOMG!!! Not only did I run into a really pretty girl and hurt her but i opened my mouth and invited her over! I just hop Eri is asleep. I started to internally panic as i finally found my keys and unlocked the door, I was afraid Eri would see her and get the wrong idea. Especially since she came back from school the other day asking me about when she was getting a Mama. To my luck, I found the note left by the babysitter saying that everything had been taken care of and that she had put Eri to bed. Thank God. I quickly hid the note and helped the girl over to the couch, and that's when it struck me that I did not know her name. "So, now that you're here, what's your name?" I asked as I walked into the bathroom to get the stuff for her ankle.

"Ochako, Ochako Uraraka. And what about you?" She asked and I face planted realizing i had not introduce myself.

"Izuku Midoriya. Now let's get that ankle taken care of." I knelt down next to her and carefully removed her shoe which caused her to wince. "Sorry."

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