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Today had already been irritating for Izuku, work was crazy because of the stupid valentines day special that one of his managers insisted they do. So he had to deal with making sure everything was ready for the day which meant he was there even earlier than normal.

Not to mention the women who came in and ordered a grande iced vanilla cappuccino with two pumps of raspberry, almond milk, no foam extra whip with half ice. And then she decided she didn't want the raspberry and said she didn't order the raspberry so demanded that we replace it. And when we offered to do so she wouldn't return the one that was wrong.

Needless to say Izuku had been through one of those long, hard, irritating days. Though now he was a bit more excited. Since he was shopping for a certain someone's birthday party before heading home.

As he entered the store he grabbed a buggy and began his hunt for items. First he walked through and collected the few groceries he needed for their apartment. As he went around searching the shelfs he felt a tap on his shoulder. "Midoriya?"

As he turned around he was met with someone he never thought he would see again. The girl that had made his heart sore in highschool. The person he spent forever trying to get over and even though they were now twenty two he still hadn't gotten over her.

Ochako Uraraka.

In an attempt to feign the fact that he spent every day thinking about her he stuttered out. "Uhm hi, it's been a while Uraraka."

"Yeah, kinda surprised you remembered me." Ofcourse she was unaware that she occupied his thoughts at least once a day.

"What do you mean? We were really close. I'd never forget someone as cool as you." He noticed her blush slightly at his comment.

"Thanks. So what are you up to?" She asked as they continued walking and talking.

He pulled a few things from the shelf as they walked and talked. "Just picking up some things, it's her birthday in two days. So I thought I would get her some stuff for the party and something nice for it."

"That's so sweet. I'm happy y'all are doing well." She smiled as they walked, unconsciously staring at Izuku. Who was the light of her life and who she thought of every day, come on guys you know the drill.

"You're more than welcome to come, she was always very fond of you in UA." He looked over and caught her staring but did not make mention of it.

"Are you sure it's ok for me to intrude like that? I'd hate to be a burden."

He simply chuckled, "I promise, she'll be thrilled that you're coming. So what have you been up to since graduation?"

A heavy sigh escaped her lips, "It's been rough, I got a job at my parents firm. Though they've still been struggling. But we get by. I live just a few blocks from here. In a dump of an apartment but it's cheap."

While the two walked Izuku had begun picking up some more child based snacks, gummies, chips, what ended up being the last box of those little bite sized muffins, and several other things. "Well i'm sorry to hear about their business, i remember you always wanted to h-" Izuku was cut off by a harsh tapping on his shoulder.

Now granted, Izuku was wearing sweats and a hoodie, so he didn't look his best, but what happened next caught him very off guard. A woman, maybe mid forties, bright blonde hair and a glare that if someone actually cared, could kill. "Young man, what do you think you're doing buying all those childrens snacks?"

Izuku looked at Ochako confused and she just shook her head. "I'm sorry ma'am, but what?"

The woman huffed in annoyance as she rolled her eyes. "Are you stupid! Those snacks are for children. Not you! These snacks are not meant to be used to fuel your addictions and you should be ashamed of yourself for taking them when there are children who need them."

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