Chapter 16 The Accident

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I miss the purity of being a child, the days when life was easy and innocent. The days when I had no guilt, no scars, no trauma. I

I watched the cab come to a stop and I pulled out a 20 euro bill to pay the driver. He looked at me and back at the bill then smiled happily. He said something in Greek before he reached out to his coin pouch.

I thanked him and non-verbally gestured that he could keep the change. He thanked me again and I quickly got off the cab. I did not have anything with me other than my wallet my phone and a few weapons, so I put my hood on. I walked looking at the small puddles on the ground.

The reflection of my face shook me, I could barely recognize myself. My right cheekbone had a bruise and there was a small cut on my temple. My hoodie ways soaking wet and the fabric was glued to my torso. My wet hair covered my eyesight blurring my pathway. I struggled to say that I was the same person as before because I no longer am. I missed being like that, but life killed that part of me. He is dead, life itself killed him, the warmth, and love for life that I had. It all faded, but when I met Isabella again, her warmth is contagious, and so is her love for life.

Rain from my hair began to slide down my warm cheeks snapping me out of the long train of thoughts that I had been having. I began to run to the ally that was already on sight. I looked at my watch while I ran faster and faster towards it. When I finally reached it I was one minute early.

I could feel the cold breeze make its was inside my hoodie and brush against my bear skin. It comes and goes, just like everything else in life. It was cold and rainy even though it was summer in Greece which is quite strange. I decided to sit on one of the steps that were next to the wall. The steps led to a small green metal door that had graffiti paint covering the entire surface.

The only thing that hadn't been spray painted was the rusty door knob. About thirty seconds after I sat on the stair a man in a hoodie came out of the green door. He was carrying a black duffel bag and walked out suspiciously. Could that possibly be him? I watched him go down the small steps and stare at the screen of his phone. The blue light shone on his face illuminating his dark brown eyes.

He looked up from his phone and he was clearly searching for someone. At this point I was almost 100 percent sure he was the man. When his eyes landed on my he came in front of the step that I was sitting on, causing the last bits of light illuminating the place to vanish.

"Is your name Lorenzo?" He asked trying to tower over me. "Yes it is I have come here to collect the tranquilizers and arrows." He stared at me suspiciously and began trying to intimidate me. I stood up and towered over him since I was at least 30 centimeters taller than him. I looked down at him and removed my hood, only to expose my intimidating face.

The man looked like he was ready to shit in his pants so I took the bag and began walking back to the main road. By then not many people were still on the streets, only drunk men and thugs were out.

I decided better to just walk my way back to the room instead of calling a cab and wasting more money. I felt peoples eyes on my and I kept my hood on covering my face at all times. It was not to hard to blend in since I also looked like the rest of the thugs on the street.

I turned to cross the street and when I was halfway through I could see the road in front of me illuminate with the headlights of an approaching vehicle. Before I got time to react I felt a massive impact and everything went black.


I awoke listening to the sound of heart machines and peoples voices in the background. I couldn't yet find the strength to open my eyes so I just listened tot my surroundings, trying to understand what had happened.

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