She can fly away.

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Peacekeepers slammed through the snakes with ease, their bites doing nothing with the padded white armour covering their many weak points.

Two of the six went over to the pile of rubble Lucy Gray was sat on, her breathes still laboured, they began pulling her upwards, ripping snakes off of her body as they yank her towards the exit, her body going limp from shock, her eyes glazing over in fear. Four come to the pole you and Treech were up, clinging to each other tightly on.

Desperately you tried to continue to cling to Treech as you cried out, two peacekeepers grabbed you tightly, forcing you down from the pole. As you fell, your knees skimmed the harsh rocks, blood seeping from the now open wounds as you were then pulled up. "Hey! Leave her alone! What the fucks wrong with you?" You heard Treech screaming as he was then pulled down in the same motion.

You all were forced out of the arena, you and Treech going one way, Lucy Gray another. You turned your head, desperately trying to stare at her, she wasn't breathing as heavily anymore, her eyes were wondering around the halls she was dragged down, desperately trying to stare at you from over her shoulder.

You were then guided down another hall way, a different direction from the way Lucy Gray went. Treech, who was still fighting was also dragged the same way as you. Down the many winding hallways. You looked around noticing the paintings, and the bright lights begin to dim as you got closer to your destination.
A large door opened, revealing many white, crisp and clean beds.

Curtains, pulled back surrounded the beds, making the place look cold and desolate. The guards then let you go, slumping you down onto the closest bed, the two guards who had managed to drag Treech in with minimal damage eventually let him go, dropping him harshly on the ground before slamming the door shut. "Let us out! Let us go!" He shouted, standing up pounding his firsts against the door.

Blood began to seep through his knuckles. The more he slammed his hands against the door, the worst it got, you quickly stood up covering his hands tightly in your own bringing them, and him away from the door. "We are ok. Hey? We are gonna be ok." you whisper your eyes still wet, red rimmed and dark from lack of sleep. Treech let out a wavered breath, his hands securing tightly around your face, pushing hair away so he could get a good look. "We are ok, we are..."


Your gaze moved to the white light coming from the corner. A TV, the only person back home who had one was old man Jay. It was tucked in the corner of his house, when his son was still around, he'd invite us there sometimes, to watch things going on around the world, to see things we, as people had never seen before. Buildings and clothes beyond our imagination as young kids.

You noticed the environment on the TV, it was snowing, a large statue of a woman holding a sword stood behind the entirety of the scene. A large wooden stage stood in the middle of a great crowd of people, Lucy Grays mentor stood on the stage, metal chains tightly clasping around his wrists. He looked exhausted. Next to him, a small man, one who looked worn out wearing a dark uniform, matching Snow in neatness. Eventually, the crowd parted. And up the path, walked a familiar rainbow dress.

Lucy Gray. Her wrists were also bounded in chain. Next to her, a man, with his face covered towered over her, a large axe in his hands. You began to move to the TV, Treech holding tightly onto your hand followed behind you, his eyes switching between you and the screen. Compared to Lucy Grays tears from before this moment, seemed like a trickle to the mounds of water falling from her eyes now. As she began to step up the creaking, old wooden stairs, her eyes tightly shut as her sobs began to catch in her throat causing her to gag. Eventually as she made it to the stage, she was forced to her knees, snow, who had once stood so solemnly still began to shift, attempting to move towards her, to comfort her. Was forced to stop as the man next to his grabbed his wrist. He could only let out harsh deep breaths as the man with the axe bought out a blindfold, handing it to the man. He took it gingerly, stepping towards Lucy Gray. before leaning around Lucy gray to tie it, he let out a heavy sigh, the weight of what would happen next weighing down his lungs.

He then wrapped it tightly, around her face adjusting it slightly in confidence that she wouldn't be able to see. Then, the broad man began to shout.

"We gather here today, after the hunger games found Coriolanus Snow, and Lucy Gray Baird guilty. Of cheating in the 10th annual hunger games. Their actions resulted in the deaths of two tributes. This cannot, go unpunished."

You could feel your chest tighten, your eyes widening your grip tightened on Treeches hand as you felt your eyes begin to water again. They were going to kill her, as punishment for Snows crimes, she was going to die.  You knew bobbin had died from Snow entering the arena, but who else?

"For punishment of their crimes. Coriolanus Snow, is to be sent to exile, in district four. Lucy Gray Baird, will be executed by axe." His voice echoes as the people there in person began to shout in sick, and twisted joy. You could feel your jaw drop as Treech moved bringing you closer to him. "Don't look." He attempted to move your gaze, but failing as you refused to budge. The crowd began to chant, once shouting support for her, now wanting her demise, slowly, the executioner raised the axe above his head. Lucy Gray was shivering. She knew what was to happen. Snow had began to thrash in his chains, desperately trying to reach his tribute, to save her.

And yet, before anyone could move, let alone say anything else, her head was cut clean off, blood following it as it rolls from the stage to the floor. Her headless body falls against the stage, blood seeping from where her head once lay. The executioner dropped the axe, climbing down from the stage. He reached down grabbing the hair upon her bodiless head, thrusting it into the air, showing the audience that the song bird, Lucy Gray, was no more.

You let out a choked back scream, your hands covering your mouth as tears dripped down your face, Treech reached around pulling your head into his chest hushing you and sitting you down onto the bed not letting go of you,  she's dead. Lucy Gray despite all she had done was gone. The second friend you had made in that arena.

Now there was just you, and Treech.


Oh?! Uhm she's dead? Anyways 😋


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