Part 57

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Mattheo's POV

After me and Allison getting caught, we'll i mean we weren't really doing anything just a make out session, which was good, very good. Ever since me and Allison have been getting closer, we've had movie marathons, book dates, picnics and quidditch matches. Which she always won.

It's towards the end of January, the snow is gone, instead replaced with ice. The air is cold but crisp, and the leaves are starting to grow back. Me and Allison are cuddling on the couch while reading Romeo and Juliet for the 100th time. I mean at this point I could recite the book word for word, but Allison loves the book and wants to read it so who am I to tell her no?

We've been in this couch since 7am and now it's 10am. Which doesn't seem that long but when your not reading the book and playing with someone's hair it feel likes ages. Allison's hair is mesmerising though, it's soft and silky, the best part is it never gets tangled when I play with it, I mean what a bonus. She enjoys reading the book and don't get me wrong I love reading as well however I wouldn't say I'd make a date out of it. But if it makes her happy then I will do it.

After what feels like forever Allison closes the book before turning to me "we need to go to a meeting and bring Harry, Ron and Hermione with us. After we need to practise for the matches in 2 weeks" I smile "fine, what time do we need to be there for?" She look over at my watch on my arm and sees the time "in 30 minutes"

She goes to get off me as I groan, she drags my arms as she pulls me up the stairs to the dorms "now go get changed and meet me downstairs in exactly 20 minutes" I sigh before walking off.  Why didn't she I don't know maybe tell me that we have a meeting so I could of prepared on what I was going to wear? I have no clue but I wanted to wear sweat pants today and now I can't as I'm seeing Evelyn again who will make an uncomfortable joke at me, and Benjamin will death glare me all meeting. It's not fun.

I change into blue baggy jeans, put on a black top with a black hoodie on over. I walk into the bathroom and brush my teeth before doing my hair routine. I walk out and grab my socks before shoving them on and putting my shoes on. Then I finally head downstairs to wait for Allison. I wait for around 10 minutes before she comes down in a black skirt, emerald green jumper and white trainers, she looks absolutely gorgeous. "You ready?" I ask her.

She looks at me "of course I am, now let's go to the Gryffindor common room" she says ushering me out of the common room. I sigh before walking out.

Allison's POV

As Mattheo walks painfully slow in-front of me I take it upon myself to run in-front of him all the way to the Gryffindor common room and then try and find him. So that's what I do. I take off bolting down the corridor and up the stairs while in the distance I hear Mattheo shout "Allison what the fuck are you doing, I'm not running after you"

I laugh to myself before racing to the fat lady portrait, when I get there I see Nevill going through "Nevill?" I shout towards him, he turns to see me "hi Allison what can I do for you?" He says as I near him. "Could you get Harry, Ron and Hermione for me tell them it's important" he smiles before walking into the common room. I wait patiently - no wrong choice of words - I impatiently pace back and forth past the painting annoying the fat lady a lot.

Until Hermione steps out first, I turn quickly "there you guys are" I say walking to them. Hermione smiles at me "so why do you need us?" "Follow me and I'll explain, I need to find Mattheo who was lagging behind me" i say walking off, Hermione walks next to me while Harry and Ron walk behind us. "So there's a meeting and I was told to bring you guys as-well as Mattheo" Hermione nods at this.

After 5 minutes I find Mattheo waiting outside of Minnie's office "I don't know why you ran off like that" he says not even looking at me, I laugh "thought I could beat you, and technically I did" He smiles at me before opening the door to find Minnie standing there waiting for us "there you guys are I've been waiting for you since Allison said last meeting that I didn't" I smile "Thankyou Minnie" she sarcastically grins back at me before ushering all of us into the fireplace.

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