Page 20: " One last time "

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Context: Harmony made two recordings, one for her life and another for Neo only.

Neo was depressed and quitting, but there was still hope as Harmony left something special just for Neo, and it was a recording named " One last time."

[ Exposition ]

Recording of Harmony: " ( Take 1 ) Ummm..... hello i uhhh..... ( Take 2 )....... Hello my love, i am proud..... this is not gonna work.......( Take 3 ) for you, for you, for......oh, it's recording already dang........( Take 4 ) Hello, my love-- dammit i forgot the line, damn you brain....( Take 5 ) uhhhhhh......... i can't.."

Narrator: " it was a video full of trials and errors as it recorded how many times Harmony struggled to express what she wanted to express to the camera, Neo was happy seeing how lively and silly harmony was in this recording, she had so much energy and so beautiful, which makes the recording very painful because she is only alive in this recording but in real life, she's not, Neo almost turned off the recording because it seems to him that it was only a trial and error recording but then.......

Recording of Harmony: " Neo........."

It was a voice so genuine that it seemed like she was calling for him. It grabbed his attention and listened to the rest of the recording......

[ Exposition ]

Recording of Harmony: " Neo i......... I'm sorry.....i was hoping that you could forgive me if i told you that i was a spy, but now i did something much more horrible. By this time, the organization already has footage of me and the mole, so i don't have time left, i just wanna say that i love you. I really did love you with all my heart.

All those moments we shared are genuine, and all the laughs, cries, smiles, and frowns are real, and i really changed because of you. You showed me how strong you are by facing your problems head-on with a smile, and i admire that because i never solved my problems with a smile on my face, so.......

What i admire about you the most is your unwavering positivity towards life so in my final moments, I'm gonna show you how strong i am by smiling in those  final moments, its gonna be painful but I'm gonna show everyone that I'm strong just like you. I know you're gonna be hurt badly after my death, but life must go on so when you find someone again, make sure you don't fail to protect her and make her happy like you did to me...

And you shouldn't stop after I'm gone, keep going till you reach your dream of becoming a great timekeeper and save everyone that needs you help, if you can do that then I'll be happily watching you from heaven or hell, it's gonn be a rough journey for me but i do hope you achieve healing and peace after I'm gone.

And lastly, please don't let that smile of yours fade's the reason why i fell in love with you so keep on smiling and be the light in this awful world neo, goodbye forever and i hope your smile won't fade, if you can't smile for yourself then, smile for all the people that you've loved in your life and also....... i know your past. "( end of recording )

Neo felt happy, knowing that Harmony stayed strong for him till the end by smiling in her final moments. This made him realize that he shouldn't stop just because she is gone, so he decided to keep going, for her and for his fallen comrades and family.

Neo instead filed for transfer because he wanted to start over again, but in a place where nobody knows him or his identity, so he said goodbye to Canada and...... his best friend.

Marco: " You're gonna go? "

Neo: " I want to start again, i wanna start fresh, so i guess this is goodbye, buddy. I'm sorry if i have to leave, but i do hope you and your wife have a good life and take care of yourself.

He flew from Canada to London, and in this place, he'll start all over again. He never loved anyone after Harmony's death, but a particularly interesting girl caught his attention........

[ The end of Harmony ]

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