Page 18: " Weapon Master "

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In a different perspective, Marco waited for about 2 hours, and there were explosions, but it seemed that he expected Neo to be dead, so he called the organisation and told them the location, the organisation immediately sent a Unit of timekeepers, about 400 timekeepers. They arrived immediately and forcefully opened the mansion's gate, and what they saw surprised them.

It was a bloodbath, dead bodies scattered around, and the mansion itself burned down. They saw a group of people begging for help so the timekeepers tended them, and as they were searching around the vicinity looking for any survivor and dangerous violators but they found.......

One timekeeper standing, his uniform covered in blood and injuries, looking up like he was stargazing, they immediately tended the person who was Neo. To their suprise, it was the same  timekeeper who disobeyed orders and went alone to the base

They were shocked to know that this timekeeper took down a whole base by himself and managed to live, when the timekeepers reported the situation to the Level Timekeepers ( higher ups ) and how one man took down a whole base, the higher ups were impressed by such an impossible feat so they decided to promote code:52505 ( Neo ) from timekeeper to supreme timekeeper.

The Level Timekeepers gave Neo a new code to show how impactful his actions are, so his new code was Code: 0111 and gave him a nickname of " The weapon master " ( fun fact: if there's a 0 infront of a timekeeper's code, then the timekeeper is considered as important and rare and also, the higher ups rarely gives any nickname to their agents so those who are given a nickname are considered as the most impactful and powerful timekeepers )

Going back, Neo was hospitalized after receiving over 15 bullets to his body and a massive loss of blood. When he woke up, all he wanted to do was ask the organization to give harmony a proper burial even though she was the leaker, and the organization considered his request because of his explanation that Harmony was forced to leak the mission as she's not to be the blamed so the higher ups agreed to give Harmony a proper burial but her grave will be nameless because her actions can never be forgiven even if she was forced.

Neo understood, and they scheduled her burial on December 12,2275 ( 5 days from now. The current date is December 8,2275 ). Neo was then informed about his promotion from the timekeeper to the supreme timekeeper. He was also given a nickname of " Weapon Master " by the Level Timekeepers, Marco was happy for Neo, but Neo wasn't happy because Harmony wasn't able to witness his promotion

December 12,2275, and........

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