prologue 👍

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Dalilah sat in her room, nervously adjusting the folds of her traditional dress. Today marked the beginning of a new chapter in her life, one that had been written long before she could hold a pen. The walls echoed with hushed conversations as her family prepared for the arrival of the groom's party.

She stole glances at herself in the ornate mirror, her reflection adorned with intricate jewelry that sparkled in the dim room. The weight of expectations pressed upon her shoulders, a burden carried by generations before her. The fragrance of incense lingered in the air, heightening her senses and adding to the solemnity of the moment.

As the door creaked open, Dalilah's heart quickened its pace. Her parents entered, their faces a mix of pride and concern. Her mother's eyes, once filled with the sparkle of youth, now held the wisdom of experience. Dalilah wondered if she would ever attain such resilience.

The rhythmic beat of drums announced the arrival of the groom's procession. Tradition dictated that Dalilah remain composed, but anxiety gripped her. She couldn't shake the uncertainty of marrying a man she barely knew. The weight of responsibility settled upon her like a heavy cloak, threatening to suffocate her dreams.

Stepping into the courtyard, she faced the assembly of elders and well-wishers. The vibrant colors of the ceremony clashed with the apprehension in her eyes. The groom, a stranger until this moment, stood beside her. Formalities were exchanged, and the symbolic gestures sealed their union. Yet, Dalilah couldn't ignore the lingering doubt that danced behind her gaze.

As the festivities continued, she moved through the motions, a puppet in a carefully choreographed dance. The celebration unfolded around her, but her thoughts were a tempest, questioning the path laid out for her. The melodies of joy were drowned by the dissonance within.

As night fell, Dalilah found herself alone, gazing at the stars through the lattice window. The marriage had been written in the stars, they said. Yet, she couldn't help but feel like a mere spectator in her own story. The weight of tradition and duty bore down on her, leaving Karin to navigate the uncharted waters of a life predetermined by others.

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