A proposal of friendship and Tradition

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Dalilah's pov
Dalilah's long time best friend Stephanie (steph) (25)

Dalilah's povDalilah's long time best friend Stephanie (steph) (25)

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Dalilah's outfit

Dalilah's outfit

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Dalilah's heart raced as she approached the quaint café where she and Stephanie had spent countless afternoons laughing and sharing secrets. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the air, adding a familiar touch to the atmosphere. Stephanie, immersed in a book, looked up and beamed as Dalilah approached.

"Dalilah! It's been ages," Stephanie exclaimed, setting her book aside and standing up for a warm embrace.

They settled into their usual corner, surrounded by the comforting hum of conversations and the soft clinking of cutlery. Dalilah took a deep breath, feeling a mixture of excitement and nervousness.

"Steph, there's something important I need to talk to you about," Dalilah began, her eyes searching Stephanie's for a reassuring connection.

Stephanie nodded, a curious expression on her face. "Of course, what's going on?"

Dalilah took a moment, gathering her thoughts before speaking. "I'm engaged, Steph. Jaheim proposed, and I said yes."

Stephanie's eyes widened with genuine joy. "Dalilah, that's incredible! Congratulations! Tell me everything!"

Dalilah shared the story of Jaheim's romantic proposal, and as she spoke, she could see the genuine happiness in Stephanie's eyes. But as the excitement settled, a hint of curiosity crept into Stephanie's expression.

"Steph, there's more," Dalilah hesitated, "It's not just a regular wedding. It's an arranged marriage."

Stephanie's eyebrows furrowed slightly, surprise evident on her face. "Arranged? Dalilah, are you okay with this? I mean, are you happy about it?"

Dalilah took a moment to reflect. "It's different, Steph. I was skeptical at first, but getting to know Jaheim has been an unexpected journey. Our families believe it's the right match, and I've come to see the value in our shared values and traditions."

Stephanie nodded thoughtfully. "I trust your judgment, Dalilah. If this is what makes you happy, then I'm here to support you. But what can I do for you?"

Dalilah smiled, grateful for Stephanie's understanding. "Steph, I want you to be my maid of honor. Your friendship means the world to me, and having you by my side on this journey is something I cherish."

Tears welled up in Stephanie's eyes as she reached across the table to hold Dalilah's hands. "Of course, Dalilah. I'm honored. We'll make this wedding a celebration of love and friendship, no matter the traditions."

As they toasted to friendship and the upcoming wedding, Dalilah felt a deep sense of gratitude for having Stephanie by her side, bridging the gap between tradition and the unwavering bond they shared.

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