Dalilah's debut pt.3

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The room hung heavy with the aftermath of shattered glass and bruised egos. Dalilah, still recovering from the unexpected outburst, felt a lump forming in her throat. She never expected Jaheim to explode like that.

As tears welled up in her eyes, she stood up abruptly, her voice shaky. "Jaheim, you scared me back there. I can't deal with this drama. Maybe we should just call it quits."

The gravity of her words hit like a ton of bricks, but it wasn't until the threat of losing her became real that Jaheim snapped back to reality. Panicked, he rushed down the stairs, trying to catch up with her. "Dalilah, wait up! I messed up, babe. I didn't mean to scare you like that."

Dalilah, teary-eyed, turned to face him. "Jaheim, this ain't cool. I can't be with someone who flips out like that."

Desperation filled Jaheim's eyes. "Look, Dalilah, I messed up. I'm sorry. I just couldn't handle seeing you and Maurice like that."

She sighed, wiping away a tear. "It was just a joke, Jaheim. You need to chill."

But before the tension could dissipate, Dalilah dropped another bombshell, half-jokingly. "Maybe we should just break off this arranged marriage, huh?"

The words hung in the air, and for a moment, Jaheim froze. The idea of losing her for real hit him like a gut punch. His eyes welled up, and in a broken voice, he confessed, "Dalilah, I never wanted this arranged thing. I want you for real, not because it's some tradition. I love you, and the thought of losing you... it kills me."

Dalilah, stunned by the raw honesty in his words, took a step back. The weight of the moment sunk in as Jaheim, once the tough guy, broke down in front of her. The room echoed with the unexpected revelation, leaving them both at a crossroads they never saw coming.

Oooh some drama and EVEN more coming next


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