Dalilah's debut pt.4

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Dalilah, in an attempt to lighten the mood, couldn't resist keeping the prank alive. "Jaheim, maybe you're better off solo. I mean, look at all the drama you gotta deal with."

Jaheim, emotionally fragile after his heartfelt confession, couldn't grasp the humor. His eyes pleaded with her, "Dalilah, don't play like that. This ain't the time."

But she persisted, trying to keep up the act. "Seriously, Ja, you're a strong, independent man. Who needs the ball and chain of an arranged marriage, right?"

The words cut deeper than she realized. Jaheim, on the verge of breaking down, turned his frustration toward Maurice. "You find this funny, Mo? You encouraged this mess, and now I'm losing everything."

Maurice, caught in the crossfire, raised his hands in defense. "Jaheim, I didn't know she was gonna take it this far. Chill, man."

Dalilah, sensing the gravity of the situation, dropped the act. "Jaheim, I was just messing around. I didn't know it would hit you like this."

Jaheim, unable to hold back the flood of emotions, lashed out, "You think this is a joke? You're playing with my heart, Dalilah!"

She took a step back, her tone serious. "This is exactly why I joke about breaking it off, Jaheim. The stress, the drama. It can't go on like this."

The weight of her words hung in the air, a heavy silence settling over the room. Jaheim, torn between his emotions and the fear of losing her, felt the ground beneath him giving way. The once light-hearted banter had morphed into a painful reality check, leaving them all grappling with the consequences of their words and actions.

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