Dalilah's debut pt.6

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Jaheim, his heart pounding, chased after Dalilah, pleading for her to stay. "Dalilah, please! I can't lose you. I'll do anything, just give us a chance!"

She turned, feigning hesitation. "Jaheim, it's just not working. I need to go."

Desperation etched across his face, Jaheim dropped to his knees, "Babe, I'll change, I promise. Just don't leave me like this."

But before Dalilah could respond, Maurice, furious at the emotional turmoil she put his friend through, stepped in. "Yo, what the hell, Dalilah? Making Jaheim beg like that? That's messed up!"

Dalilah flinched at his outburst, a wave of regret washing over her. "Maurice, it was just a joke. I didn't think it would go this far."

Maurice, unrelenting, shot back, "A joke? This ain't funny, and you got Jaheim here on his knees. Not cool, girl."

Jaheim, now more angry than desperate, rose to his feet. "You think this is a game, Dalilah? Making me beg? Not cool at all."

Dalilah, realizing the severity of her prank, tried to diffuse the situation. "Jaheim, I didn't mean to—"

But Jaheim, cutting her off, snapped, "Save it. This ain't a joke to me, and I'm done playing your games."

The atmosphere shifted from pleading to hostility. Jaheim, now fueled by anger and hurt, walked away, leaving Dalilah and Maurice to face the aftermath of a prank gone horribly wrong. The once-thriving relationship now hung by a thread, and the trio faced the challenge of repairing the damage that had been done.

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