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••• Hideout Raid Team vs. League of Villains •••

The hideout's dimly lit corridors echoed with the victorious footsteps of the Vanguard Action Squad.

Katsuki Bakugo, the explosive hero-in-training, was now confined and shackled, his fiery spirit seemingly extinguished as he sat restrained in a cold metal chair, his hands ensnared in an unforgiving steel box.

Spinner, a member of the Vanguard Action Squad with his reptilian visage, approached Katsuki, his eyes gleaming with a mixture of triumph and fervor. The air in the hideout crackled with tension as Spinner circled the captive hero, his words cutting through the silence.

"You heroes are so blinded by your ideals," Spinner hissed, his tone a venomous whisper that reverberated in the confined space.

"You think you're all noble, but you're just pawns in a game you can't comprehend."

Katsuki shot a defiant glare at his captor, his explosive demeanor undeterred by the chains that bound him. "Save your villain monologue for someone who gives a damn," he spat.

Spinner chuckled, an eerie sound that hung in the air like a haunting melody. "You see, kid, we're not just a bunch of villains. We're believers. We follow the teachings of Stain—the hero killer."

As Spinner spoke, images of Stain's chaotic ideology danced in the shadows of Katsuki's mind.

The notion of heroes needing purification, the rejection of the current hero society—it all seemed like a distant echo of a world plunged into darkness.

"We reject this society that puts fame and fortune above saving lives," Spinner continued, his eyes glinting with an unsettling conviction.

"Stain taught us that heroes should be true saviors, not just fame-chasers with flashy quirks."

Katsuki's furrowed brow betrayed a hint of curiosity beneath his defiant exterior.

Despite his resistance, the words seeped into his consciousness, questioning the very foundation of the hero world he knew.

"The heroes are a corrupt system," Spinner declared, his voice growing more fervent. "Stain showed us that it's time to tear it down and rebuild it from the ground up. Only then can true heroes rise."

As Spinner unraveled the twisted ideology that fueled their actions, Katsuki couldn't help but feel the weight of the words.

The lines between hero and villain blurred in this clandestine hideout, where the Vanguard Action Squad reveled in their warped sense of justice.

As Spinner's words lingered in the tense air, Tomura Shigaraki, the enigmatic leader of the Vanguard Action Squad, stepped forward, his gaze fixed on the captive Katsuki Bakugo.

His hands, adorned with the eerie hands-over-face mask, betrayed none of the emotions that churned beneath the surface.

"Hero society is broken," Tomura declared, his voice a low rasp that cut through the lingering echoes of Spinner's revelation. "They feed on false hope, and that's their weakness. We villains? We're winning because we take that hope away."

Katsuki, though visibly rattled by the unsettling ideologies presented to him, remained defiant. "I'm not buying into your messed-up philosophy," he retorted.

Tomura's gaze bore into Katsuki's, the intensity of his conviction unwavering. "You're not as naive as you pretend to be, Bakugo. Deep down, you want to win. You want to be on the winning side."

A flicker of uncertainty danced across Katsuki's features, a testament to the internal struggle between his unwavering hero ideals and the allure of triumph that Tomura dangled before him.

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