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Outside the hideout, chaos unfolded as heroes grappled with the relentless onslaught of Nomus.

The police, armed and resolute, fired a barrage of shots while Endeavor, the Flame Hero, harnessed the intensity of his fire to repel the encroaching Nomu.

Amidst the cacophony of battle, Naomasa attempted to establish contact with Best Jeanist, the hero in charge of the Nomu factory raid.

However, the radio remained silent, the absence of a response hanging ominously in the air.

"All Might, we need to regroup and assess the situation," Gran Torino shouted over the tumult, his veteran instincts guiding their movements.

The duo, a formidable force even in the face of chaos, fought back the Nomus that surged toward them.

All Might, his eyes a beacon of unwavering determination, and Gran Torino, a blur of speed and precision, orchestrated a symphony of heroism amidst the chaotic battlefield.

As the Nomus were pushed back, a heavy realization settled over the seasoned heroes. All For One, the elusive puppet master, likely orchestrated this orchestrated this event.

"This isn't just an attack. It's a diversion," All Might declared, his voice carrying the weight of experience.

Gran Torino, his sharp mind piecing together the puzzle, added, "All For One is likely behind this. He's always one step ahead, pulling the strings from the shadows."

The heroes, amidst the turmoil, faced not only the physical threat of the Nomus but the looming specter of All For One's machinations.

The chaos reached a crescendo as, in a blink, all the remaining villains were whisked away in the same fashion Katsuki had been.

Kamui Woods, his expression weighed down by regret, apologized emphatically for the escape.

"I'm sorry, we were overwhelmed. That Warping Quirk got the better of us," Kamui Woods confessed, the weight of responsibility etched across his features.

Edgeshot, his focus undeterred, faced a Nomu that lunged at him. With impeccable agility, he evaded its attack before employing his Quirk with precision, countering the creature and rendering it unconscious.

"Don't blame yourself, Kamui. That man's new Warping Quirk is on a different level. There was no way to counter it," Edgeshot reassured, his words a beacon of encouragement amid the chaos.

As the Nomus continued their relentless assault, All Might found himself surrounded.

Multiple Nomu climbed onto his towering figure, attempting to restrain the Symbol of Peace. In a whirlwind of motion, All Might spun around, building up centrifugal force, before unleashing an Oklahoma Smash that sent the Nomus hurtling through the building.

The impact created a cascade of debris, but All Might's resolve remained unbroken. "We need to regroup and find a way to counter this," he declared, his voice resonating with unwavering determination.

Outside the hideout, Endeavor, the Flame Hero, faced the relentless horde of Nomus with unyielding resolve. His flames blazed, dancing with the shadows of chaos as he confronted the creatures created by nefarious forces.

In the midst of the fiery spectacle, Naomasa, ever the astute detective, surmised the potential compromise of Best Jeanist's team.

The shadows of uncertainty deepened as heroes grappled not only with the physical threat but the looming question of how the villains had managed to orchestrate such a calculated assault.

All Might, his unwavering presence a beacon amidst the turmoil, approached Endeavor with a question. "Can you handle the situation here, Endeavor?" he inquired, a shared responsibility echoing in his tone.

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