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Emerging from the otherworldly portal, (y/n)'s cloned self found herself suspended in the abyss of the ocean's darkest depths.

The portal, akin to a cosmic gateway, marked the threshold between the known and the unknown, the beginning and the end of all things.

Yet, as she floated in the cold, murky embrace of the sea, an unsettling numbness enveloped her being.

The sensation of wetness clung to her form, an alien experience that elicited discomfort.

The ocean's depths, once a realm of mystery, now felt like a suffocating cocoon.

It was an environment that made her uneasy, as if she were a minuscule entity swallowed whole by the enormity of her own existential challenges.

In this strange, aqueous realm, she grappled with the disconcerting reality of her small existence in a world that seemed both unfamiliar and indifferent.

Alone in the vast emptiness of the abyss, (y/n)'s cloned self pondered the nature of her existence.

Was she merely a reflection of the original, created to fulfill a predetermined purpose?

The waters around her whispered the secrets of countless depths, and she, a small being adrift, sought meaning in the void that surrounded her.

As the clone lingered in this surreal aquatic expanse, the echoes of her own introspection reverberated in the abyss.

The ocean, a canvas of endless mysteries, bore witness to the silent contemplation of a being struggling to reconcile her identity with the vastness that stretched beyond the confines of the portal.

Amidst the enveloping depths of the ocean, where every ripple seemed to cradle her and each wave threatened to drown her in its embrace, a surprising comfort emerged.

The vast expanse that threatened to swallow her whole paradoxically became a sanctuary—a refuge that cradled her existence.

It was akin to the warmth of a familiar embrace, a gentle pair of arms that held her in an unspoken understanding.

In the solitude of this aquatic sanctuary, she found solace in the simplicity of just being.

The all-encompassing depths became a metaphorical warm blanket, an ethereal cocoon that cocooned her essence.

The sensation was both profound and serene, as if the ocean itself was a timeless companion, whispering tales of beginnings and endings.

Existing in the embrace of everything and nothing, she surrendered to the ebb and flow of the ocean's rhythm.

The waves, like soothing lullabies, cradled her existence in the cosmic dance of creation and dissolution.

Birthed with the ocean's waves, she clung to the essence of its washing embrace, entwining her being with the very fabric of existence.

Yet, the ocean was not just a realm of birth; it was equally a realm of oblivion.

The metaphorical arms that once embraced her could also pull her into the hidden depths, where mysteries remained shrouded, untouched by the light of discovery.

It was the duality of the ocean, an eternal cycle of emergence and submersion.

In this profound reflection, the cloned (y/n) became a silent witness to the essence of life's cyclical dance—the eternal voyage from the ocean's embrace to its mysterious depths.

Wrapped in the tranquility of the underwater expanse, she pondered the enigma of her own existence—a solitary entity navigating the currents of creation and dissolution in the endless tapestry of the ocean's embrace.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2023 ⏰

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