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All For One and All Might, resilient despite the forces that sought to break them, rose to their feet once more.

The air crackled with tension as the forces of light and darkness converged, the clash of their Quirks birthing a colossal explosion that painted the canvas of the cityscape.

"Let's finish this shall we?!"

In the tumult of battle, All For One, with the mastery of Impact Recoil, sought to push All Might back—a relentless offensive that spoke of the villain's unyielding determination.

All Might, however, fortified by the echoes of Nana Shimura's mentorship, invoked a profound duty as Izuku's teacher.

Drawing inspiration from the lessons imparted by his former master, All Might, in a strategic move, reverted his arm to its weakened form.

This calculated sacrifice presented an opening, a chink in the villain's armor.

All Might, propelled by the strength drawn from mentorship and legacy, seized the moment.

With a surge of determination, he unleashed the full force of his left arm, propelling it forward to land a direct punch on All For One's face.

The impact shattered the remnants of the villain's mask.

In the aftermath of All Might's strategic maneuver, a resolute All For One, though weathered by the clash, expressed disdain, deeming such tactics beneath the Symbol of Peace.

The villain, undeterred, engaged the formidable Springlike Limbs on his left arm, signaling an impending assault.

All Might, however, rose to the challenge with unwavering determination. Refusing to succumb to despair, he retorted that the previous attack lacked the full force due to his stance.

Invigorated by the enduring legacy of Nana Shimura and inspired to give his utmost, All Might focused the dwindling embers of One For All into his right arm.

In a masterful display of agility and determination, All Might deftly dodged under All For One's impending air cannon.

Then, drawing upon the culmination of his strength and legacy, he unleashed his most potent technique—the United States of Smash!

The impact reverberated through the very fabric of the city, a testament to the indomitable will of a hero whose final act would be etched in the annals of history.

••• The Final Act •••

As the mighty force of the United States of Smash surged forth, All Might, with a somber determination, bid farewell to both his nemesis, All For One, and the enduring legacy of One For All.

The cataclysmic impact birthed a tempest, a swirling vortex of power so potent that it swept the nearby news helicopter off course and manipulated the very foundations of nearby structures, casting them into the airborne ballet of chaos.

Amidst this monumental display, the last embers of One For All flickered within All Might.

The hero, having sacrificed his might to preserve the ideals he held dear, stood at the precipice of a new era. In the wake of the titanic clash, All For One lay defeated, his malevolent machinations finally subdued by the unwavering spirit of the Symbol of Peace.

As the dust settled and the echoes of battle resonated through the shattered cityscape, the legacy of One For All, having found a new vessel in Izuku Midoriya, continued its journey, forging a path towards a future where heroes would rise to face the challenges yet unknown.

••• The Aftermath •••

With the defeat of All For One, the air quivered with the profound silence of triumph.

All Might, his muscles once again surging with strength, raised his fist in a symbolic gesture that echoed across the world.

The Symbol of Peace, standing tall and victorious, delivered his final heroic act.

As the news outlets broadcasted the spectacle, the global audience witnessed the conclusion of a legendary era. Tears and cheers intermingled among the onlookers, a poignant symphony of emotions for their No. 1 hero.

Amidst the jubilation, concerns were voiced by those close to All Might. Edgeshot, ever the vigilant ally, suggested that All Might shouldn't push himself further.

However, Gran Torino, understanding the weight of the moment, advocated for letting the Symbol of Peace revel in this final act.

For All Might, this was not just a victory; it was the culmination of a lifetime of service, a poignant farewell to the role he had embodied so faithfully.

In the aftermath of the monumental clash, Uwabami, Pro Heroes, and the stalwart Police Force converged on the scene, executing their duty to rescue civilians and ensure that justice would be served.

All For One, subdued and shackled, faced the consequences of his malevolent reign.

As the chaos settled, All Might, turning towards the lens of the media's camera, uttered a phrase laden with significance: "You're next."

While some interpreted it as a stern warning to villains, Izuku, keenly attuned to his mentor's intentions, grasped the deeper meaning.

It was a call to the next generation, a passing of the torch.

The time had come for a new Symbol of Peace to emerge, to carry the mantle that All Might, in his last heroic act, had entrusted to the future.

Deep within the confines of Tartarus Prison, the imposing figure of All For One brooded over the aftermath of his defeat.

Shackled and confined, the once-mighty villain couldn't help but lament the victory of his arch-nemesis, All Might. However, there was a peculiar twist to his perspective.

Rather than wallowing in the defeat, All For One's thoughts gravitated towards an unorthodox realization — that the hero had lost the chance to meet his end.

Seemingly unperturbed by the impending incarceration in the high-security prison, All For One's attention shifted to a more profound understanding of the situation.

His gaze penetrated beyond the prison walls, foreseeing the next act in this grand theatrical production of heroism and villainy.

With an eerie confidence, he foresaw the rise of Tomura Shigaraki, the inheritor of his dark legacy.

Yet, there was another thread of destiny woven into this narrative — the awakening of memories within All Might.

The utterance of a name, a name that hadn't echoed through the corridors of his mind for years, had set into motion an unforeseen event.

The imprisoned mastermind knew that the mere mention of "her" had unleashed a force long sealed by her own powerful quirk.

A sister.

All For One, despite the formidable bars that separated him from the world, smirked with a sinister satisfaction. He was well aware that she wasn't the original sister, merely a cloned version.

Yet, the power she possessed, coupled with the memories she carried, made her a formidable force in her own right. She had walked away from him in the past, but he, true to his nature, had kept a vigilant watch over her.

After all, she was his sister, and the revelation of her emergence from the pocket dimension filled him with a dark sense of assurance.

As the world grappled with the aftermath of the battle between heroes and villains, the threads of fate, entwined with the legacy of All For One and One For All, began to unravel in a way that would forever alter the landscape of this forsaken land.

The smirking mastermind understood that the world, whether ready or not, would soon have to confront the impending presence of the trio that had once roamed the earth together.

The wheels of destiny were set in motion, and even within the confines of Tartarus, All For One reveled in the chaos he had orchestrated.

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